@Maria-Rosa50 I reviewed your listing and unless I missed it, I do not see anything in your ad or rules that states a guest must not exceed a certain amount of electricity or must pay if they exceed a certain amount. Therefore, it is going to be hard to justify charging them for it.
While we as hosts hope that guests are mindful of saving energy, unfortunately, some guests are wasteful when they are staying at accommodations other than their homes. For example, I have numerous guests that turn on the AC to the lowest setting, switch on all the lights then leave for 12+hours.
There are a few options moving forward.
-Include something in your listing or welcome massage that encourages guest to save energy and offers tips for doing so
-Include electricity usage in your rules. For example, when leaving the home please turn off AC/Heater. Granted not all guests will read or follow this, however some will.
-Clearly state in your listing that there will be a charge for excess usage of electricity
-Make adjustments to devices to aid you in controlling excess use. This would include smart thermostats/lights or thermostats you can lock.
-Adjust your price to accommodate for excess usage