What Hosts are saying

    So this guest booked for a month. Everything great through text and in person. So the night before he's supposed to check out i get a message from airbnb that he cancelled his reservation and want partial refund he says because of a noisy neighbor. I d... Latest reply by Marie8425
    Hello, I would like to share my terrible experience with Airbnb Support and some serious problems with their decisions. In short, they don't back the hosts who enforce check in times, cancel the reservations on hosts behalf with penalties and let the gues... Latest reply by Kumsal1
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    I have a one bedroom apartment I rent out for vacations. I usually charge people for using the electric as here in Mexico, the electric is so expensive, and i only charge a modest fee for my apartment. It also deters people from using it all the time, lea... Latest reply by Elaine701
    Hello, I’m Shelley from Bristol. I’m new to Airbnb. Unfortunately I already have a question and I’m only on my second guest! The wood burner was out of action for their stay, the guests were informed of this and clearly not happy. I offered them to move t... Latest reply by Helen3
    Hi Airbnb community, I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to seek advice and assistance regarding a recent situation with a guest who booked our apartment for 82 nights but later decided to cancel their stay. The guest initially informed... Latest reply by Nika1707
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    Can anyone explain what the Chinese fascination with toilet paper is about. Not the stuff they are supposed to flush, and don’t I can understand that! … all the other stuff.. my bin is virtually full of tissue paper int young male I. One night used a wh... Latest reply by Meital11