Empty calalnder

Level 2
Brighton, United Kingdom

Empty calalnder

I’ve been a host for 4 years and October November December not one booking …. 5 star reviews great photos. Great listing. I’m on the air bnb price checker. Last year I had 8 as only do weekends… considering cancelling air bnb and getting a lodger to help pay my bills… anyone else the same? Is this the end of air bnb ?

1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hi @Mandie0 


Surprised to hear you're not getting any bookings as Brighton is such a popular location.


as you know many holiday areas in the uk are suffering from oversaturated markets coupled with falling demand due to the recession .

I'm in Bristol and have had my busiest year since starting eight years ago. 

I did notice you have 4.3 on cleanliness for your listing so wonder if that's an area you could look at?