As a Host, I attach importance to the environmental impact of my business. I live in a small village in a regional nature park, in a Natura 2000 protected area, and many of my guests come to enjoy the surrounding nature.
I know that many of us take this aspect into account as we welcome and host guests. Each small gesture adopted is an additional step in the sustainable tourism approach and, therefore, a small victory!
To get you started, I wanted to share 5 easy actions you can take to reduce your carbon impact:
1- replace paper towels with washable cloths and multiple rags
2- use refillable bottles for bathroom and dishwashing products and fill them with biodegradable products purchased wholesale or in bulk
3- propose a list of alternatives to traveling by car: bicycle rental, public transport, carpooling, etc.
4- choose an electricity subscription that comes from renewable energy sources. An electricity supply plan is referred to as “green” if the supplier can guarantee that an amount of renewable-origin electricity equivalent to the level of consumer demand for that supply plan has been delivered into the grid.
5- offer garbage cans for sorting waste from recycling, and, if possible, a composter.
How about you? What small steps are you taking to promote sustainable tourism?
This topic is part of our Festival of Hospitality 2022. You can find the full line-up here.
(Sauf indication contraire, mes contributions sont issues de mon expérience en tant qu'hôte)