Is there some way to calculate our occupancy %? Does AirBnB ...
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Is there some way to calculate our occupancy %? Does AirBnB do this somewhere?
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I'm hoping to receive some suggestions and fellow host wisdom on this review. Mostly because there were a number of things the booking guest did that from my perspective are pretty disrespectful when you're staying in someone's home. I know many of our guests don't see their arrangement with us as such, but this one was particularly annoying. The click runs out pretty soon for leaving a review so here are the details:
1. I tell all guests they need to let me know when they arrive so I can come over for a few minutes to greet them, discuss house rules, questions etc. Out of close to 100 groups, I've only had 2 ignore this request and this was one of them. These guys were in and out on the town so quickly I didn't get to go over and meet them.
2. Guests were informed that they were not to use the driveway due to the winter storm we got. I explained that doing so was a safety hazard. A few guests decided to use it anyway and disregard my instructions. By the way the driveway and parking are not included with the listing.
3. I ask all guests to let me know when they've left. Pretty straight forward. Once again, no communication until a few hours after departure. The booking guest said she'd misplaced her phone. My assumption is that she purposely waited to contact me to avoid interacting with me just like during check-in.
4. Finally, I noticed today that one of the sheets used was badly stained and was going to need to be replaced. Things happen, I get it but the fact that nothing was said to me at any point is incredibly frustrating. I've heard nothing from the booking guest via message or the resolution center since I informed her of my findings this morning.
So with all that being said, how would you review this guest? I included my first draft below. Not sure if it's too harsh or too lenient. Any thoughts would be so appreciated. Thank you!
"We hosted ***** and a group of her friends at our home for a weekend stay. I did not have the opportunity to meet ***** or her friends during their stay since unfortunately there was no communication upon their arrival or departure, as requested. A few guests used the driveway for unloading although I'd communicated that it was off-limits due to winter weather conditions (it's not part of the listing). The house was however left in good condition overall. Guests may be better suited for hotel or properties where hosts do not require any guest interaction."
I think your draft is excellent. Not too harsh at all. You calmly convey that they simply did not do as you asked and what you asked was completely reasonable. Future hosts will be very grateful to know your experience.
@Sharla1 I think most of the review is fair, but I would definitely delete the last sentence. It's already clear from the facts of the review that the guests were unresponsive and failed to observe your rules. Your diagnosis of their suitability for other kinds of accommodations is only speculation, and as such it weakens the substance of the review.
Very fair point. Thanks so much for the feedback @Anonymous!
So here's the problem.. You host up to six guests yet the Airbnb system only permits you to communicate with one of them.
Five of those guests are anonymous, don't get any advisory information directly from you and if they cause any inadvertent damage, they have nobody to answer to. Some guests can cope this this challenging situation (!), many can't!
We then review a single guest, not on their personal guest qualities but instead on their group management skills and their ability to communicate information and control guests who simply do not know the rules.
I think your review is fine, I agree with what @Anonymous said and based on the provisions of the Airbnb platform, booking guests 'carry the can' for their other guests ignorance.
Booking guests ignorance is noted.