GUEST left bad review with no proof and obvious intent to retaliate

Level 2
Southington, CT

GUEST left bad review with no proof and obvious intent to retaliate

I've been hosting on Airbnb for a year now and while it's a great platform I think their review process is completely one sided. It seems to me that guests can say whatever they want and blatantly retaliate without any recourse. I had a guest walk in and it's the middle of the summer, complain about the scent of mugginess. When I offered to have someone come and turn the air conditioner on they declined, and I'm assuming they just didn't like the area or were having bad days. Needless to say the place was spic and span. The guest left, and I was treated to 1 star review. No proof no nothing, but guest was allowed to do this. There was proof of me getting there within 10 minutes of their complaint though, and of me responding to them constantly. This didn't matter, and airbnb let me know their review is based on their experience, no matter how false. Now I know we live in a crazy world, but doesn't this take the cake? Why would you allow someone to do something detrimental to another person even though you know it's no warranted? I can't understand or believe what type of standard this platform wants to set for the guests. Think about this if a guest violates a rule and you tell them not to do it they can also retaliate and give you a bad review. This may seem blatant,  but airbnb doesn't care. Has anyone else experienced this?

2 Replies 2
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Michael8961 , I'm so sorry to hear of your review experience with the guest. Did you happen to reach out to the Customer Support team again to raise your concerns. Did they remove the review eventually? 

Please keep us posted if possible! Hope you get to have smoother hosting experiences in future. Wishing you all the luck 🌻



Please follow the Community Guidelines

I did and I pleaded my case, but since the review didn't violate airbnb guidelines it was left to stand. Guests are allowed to say anything with 0 proof, and with obvious retaliation.