@Kristin1111 First of all, your home is beautiful! Your reviews reflect how guests appreciate what you are offering. Two thoughts: Did you remove the hot tub from the amenities and from the pictures? I didn't see it on the listing. If a guest has a complaint about an amenity and you respond to that complaint in a timely matter, resolving any issue, there is nothing more you can do. Second thought: you refer to communication you appear to have with the guest outside the Air BNB system. If so, that creates a problem for Air BNB in being able to understand the situation and in those cases, the squeeky wheel, ie the guest, will get the benefit of any doubt. So, what you can do is summarize the outside communication on the Air BNB system, including summarizing how you addressed the issue. Doing this in a neutral way and inviting the guest to confirm your summary is the best way to "protect" yourself.