This may seems stupid but the way I search for a place to rent is by looking on the map and falling in love with a place. Now, with the category thing I can't, or at least I don't see how I could.
Is there a way for me to select the map and simply see everything available in the selected area? Not just _one_ category but everything. This approach got me amazing spots now I feel like I need to make a choice before knowing what I want.
I think though if you type the name of the selected area into the search (I did this recently when I wanted to browse for something in Southern England), the categories should disappear. You can then switch the results from list view to map view.
I think though if you type the name of the selected area into the search (I did this recently when I wanted to browse for something in Southern England), the categories should disappear. You can then switch the results from list view to map view.
Interesting. I did what you suggested and now I can indeed go area the map, not just the area I search for and see "everything". This is counter-intuitive but it works. Thanks!
Yes, it is counter-intuitive and I think that a lot of guests must be experiencing the same problems. Not everyone will think to come here to the CC to ask, and they shouldn't really have to. A search function on a listing site should be simple!
BUT you know what sucks about this "forced" search by Airbnb... meaning that you cannot just leave the destination blank without being forced to choose a category (which NONE of us want to be forced to do as it doesn't show us ALL options on the map with only our desired filters)? WHEN you choose a destination - being forced to in order to get ride of the categories - you now give Airbnb the criteria with which to manipulate your searches. Meaning prices for the hosts can now "change/increase" with each search. Sort of the way that Google or an airline will now add a destination to the algorithm to cause prices to artificially increase the longer you search (creating a false urgency to book ASAP instead of continuing to search for the best deal).