Guest relations

Level 5
Burin, Canada

Guest relations

When it comes to dealing with government, it is my opinion that the two sides must work hand in hand, or the filling process has a blind spot.


This is a hypothetical statement,  and I’m stepping into retirement, and converting my home in Newfoundland to airB&B , this will give me a sustainable living. I have a trailer I will live in as B&B is in operation. I am enjoying piecing the place together at my own pace, rather than rushing into things.


The statement: 


you should be able to walk into government building with a prof of listening, that you download and print from airB&B, with this prof you hand into government, they in return hand you a lic. That you tape in your window or visible place.

( lic. To do business in province )

the gov. Would look up your listing, to verify. Credentials 

that simple, 

this is how it was done, in the days when there where no cell phones, or even web.

i know I’m old.


This is just a different way of looking at an obstacle.

and my input is for the good, and the betterment of public relations if anything.

this is my intention, not to offend anyone, or organization.



                                     Holland 6





Stay safe,
Lean into the wind gently
1 Reply 1
Level 5
Burin, Canada


Stay safe,
Lean into the wind gently