Guest review missing

Level 1
Oslo, Norway

Guest review missing


After my guest checked out I sent my review over and the guest said they did the same from their side; they left a review. But, although I checked all my reviews, this one is missing and on my messages it shows: "Awaiting guest review". What could have gone wrong? Thank you for your help. 

2 Replies 2
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Alba688, it's been a couple of days since you posted. I was wondering if you managed to get this resolved? If not, I'd highly recommend that you get in touch with Airbnb Support through the Help Centre.



Please follow the Community Guidelines

Hi @Alba688 Guests and Hosts have a limited time frame to submit their reviews after their stay. It's possible the guest hasn't submitted their review yet. Airbnb typically allows both parties up to 14 days after checkout to write a review. 


Airbnb has a policy where both the host and guest reviews are only published once both parties have submitted their reviews, or when the 14-day period is over, whichever comes first. If the guest hasn't written a review yet, yours won't be visible. Hope this helps!