Guest reviews

Level 1
Monticello, IL

Guest reviews

I have had two separate situations with guests where the guest left our property in less than satisfactory condition and they did not leave a guest review. Therefore, my question is, can other hosts see my review of these guests so that they are not blindsided by these guests if they try to rent another Airbnb? Each of these guests had no previous reviews and their profiles were not complete. I am a new Airbnb owner. Thank you for your help with this situation.

1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Hi @Brenda1651 

Yes, other hosts will see your review. If the guest reviews you, both of your reviews become visible when the last one of you posts the review. If the guest doesn't review you, your review is published on the guest's profile 14 days after checkout.