@Seema40 Oh, that's different, if they ignored the first warning and were doing it again. That's definitely a fine you don't want to get.
There's a strategy many hosts use if they suspect the guest might leave a bad review. (Guests who get called out for things during their stay do often retaliate by leaving a review full of complaints).
Wait until 10 minutes before the 14 day review window is over to submit your review (have it all written and ready to go). By the time the guest has seen a notification that you've left a review, it will be too late for them to submit one.
Of course, this strategy only works if the guest hasn't already left a review. If they have, there's no point in waiting to submit yours. All reviews are published, regardless of whether both parties have reviewed or not. So you can't avoid a possible bad review by not leaving one yourself.
If only one party leaves a review, it will be published at 14 days. If both parties submit reviews before that time, they get published right away.
The 14 days is counted from the exact time you receive a notification to leave a review. There should be a countdown timer by your message stream with a guest on the 14th day that tells yoou exactly how much time you have left.
I'm curious-what did you message the guest about after they left? They already knew they had done illegal downloading. What was there to say after the fact?