Guest wants me to provide a welcome birthday gift.

Level 1
Athol, ID

Guest wants me to provide a welcome birthday gift.

A guest asked me to leave her 3 year old daughter a welcome birthday gift/decorations in the room for when they arrive. I know this would make me a wonderful host if I did, but I simply do not have the time or money. I kindly asked her to send me a gift and/or decorations before they arrive and I will gladly have it set up the day of their arrival. Do you think that was a reasonable response? 

11 Replies 11
Top Contributor
Sintra, Portugal

Hello @Kari3762,


Sometime ago, there was a post here about a host who was asked to buy a birthday gift/decoration for a guest. Please find the link below to see how it ended and let me know if what you did is right.


(The answer is: definitely yes)




Top Contributor
Willits, CA



You don't know these people, so taking on the responsibility of choosing these things for them could be potentially problematic. It is possibly more than time and money, it is her very special young child's  birthday.
I like your chosen response. Mother gets to choose a present and decor that she thinks is appropriate. She provides, pays & sends to you. You get to do a bit of decorating. 

I was asked once to provide wine for a guest, to impress his girlfriend. I suggested they choose what they prefer and have it sent. We do not use alcohol here, so I am completely unqualified to choose, and there is an entire aisle in the local grocery store with myriad choices. Going expensive would be a default, still, I don't know their taste or budget. There was no offer to reimburse for the wine or the hour drive to town - I'm busy - to buy it. 

IMO you did the right thing, and I'd do the same.

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

@Kari3762  your response is perfect. Please let us know how it went!

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

I would suggest you send her a couple of recommendations for local companies that can arrange this for her @Kari3762 Then as you say she can arrange for the delivery with you. 

Level 10
Helena-West Helena, AR

I like your response 🙂 It would be simple to add a couple special items to the kitchen (kid-friendly drink or snack~) but it's up to the parent to do the decorating and gifting.


Level 10
Marbella, Spain

@Kari3762 Wow what a request.

When I have guests telling me it's their birthday or anniversary I usually try to do something special in order to make their experience the best and get that great review.  I have the time and money to do this and I've found it pays back in the long run with repeat bookings and fully booked calendar thanks to our five star record.

It would depend on the total booking amount and all the other conditions.  Was this person giving off an entitled vibe?  Did they ask for other exceptions?  Is it a potential repeat customer?  Is your listing adapted for toddlers?

I've found that sometimes instead of saying "no",  put a price tag on it for the effort and material you have to buy. Obviously doing the shopping and bringing things to the property takes time and nobody works for free, or maybe this guest expects you to do so.  Usually when you put a price tag on the service, even a very reasonable price, the guest will decline.

I think your response was perfect and I bet 100% the person who couldn't be bothered to bring a gift for their daughter, will not send one by mail.

Level 2
Bullengarook, Australia

They can do it themselves and put the gift there themselves before the child enters the room.


Level 2
Chesterfield, VA

I think you responded perfectly. Very nice gesture from mom but it doesn't seem like your responsibility. Many years ago I wanted to surprise my husband with a gift in our hotel room. I wasn't sure if they would agree to do so or not. They did but I brought the gift up there before our arrival.

Level 2
Naples, Italy

ciao @Kari3762,

sei stato educato nella risposta.

Non conosciamo magari le preferenze e magari se chiedono di fare delle sorprese dovremo coinvolgere l'ospite nella organizzazione.

Io in particolare per soggiorni un po' più lunghi (esempio 4 giorni in su) cerco di coinvolgere l'ospite o gli ospiti alla vita familiare ed alcune volte mi sono ritrovata in occasione di ricorrenze come il compleanno. 

La mattina a colazione, considerato che offro anche uno spazio per la colazione, ho fatto trovare all'ospite una piccola torta.

A prescindere da tutto ciò, gli ospiti devono comprendere che non si ritrovano in albergo ma in una casa, nel mio caos condivisa con me ed i mei figli, pertanto, tutte le richieste extra le condivido nella gestione sempre con l'ospite.





you were polite in your response.

Maybe we don't know the preferences and maybe if they ask for surprises we will have to involve the guest in the organization.

In particular, for slightly longer stays (for example 4 days or more) I try to involve the guest or guests in family life and sometimes I have found myself on the occasion of occasions such as birthdays. 

In the morning for breakfast, considering that I also offer a space for breakfast, I let the guest find a small cake.

Regardless of all this, guests must understand that they do not find themselves in a hotel but in a home, in my chaos shared with me and my children, therefore, I always share all extra requests in management with the guest.


[Google translation added by OCM]

Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hi @Kari3762 👋


Did any of the answers below help you decide what to do in the end? If so, it's always a lovely gesture to mark it as the best answer. It's like a big virtual hug to the member who supported you but also to support other Hosts who may have similar questions in the future. 😊



Please follow the Community Guidelines

Level 2
Port Harcourt, Nigeria

From my opinion I would suggest a kiddies toy coy that delivers after purchase while sending the listing address to her for the gift to be sent to you for proper decoration before their arrival, or if you could squeeze a little money out of you to get something cheaper but beautiful for the child's age. This offer of kindness might make them stay longer and even coming back in the future.