Guest wants refund and claims racism...

Level 10
Dallas, TX

Guest wants refund and claims racism...

I posted this issue in the hosting forum but switched to this one so it’s more private. Long story short, had a guest throw a party at my cabin this weekend and invited 20-30 people in my 10 person max cabin. I evicted them the next morning and have learned some red flags and better practices to employ in the future. 

The guest sent me a resolution request asking for half of their money back since they didn’t get to stay the night. They accused the neighbors of racial profiling! It wasn’t at all that these guests had 30 people in my small home, and kept my neighbors up until midnight! 

The guests are local (red flag) and had so many people at my home. My husband believes we should refund some money to avoid retaliation and them coming back to damage the home.  What do you all think? Should I fear that and just give her some money back? They did leave the house in decent condition, some minor issues (broken window blind and a small amount of feces on the carpet-likely from a small child or pet), but I can live with them. Would love other hosts advice!!

45 Replies 45



Airbnb's Terms of Service state:


"Except where expressly authorized, you may not allow any person to join a Host Service unless they are included as an additional guest during the booking process."


Whenever a guest breaks this rule, I always call Airbnb and ask Airbnb to inform the guest they no longer have a valid reservation and then, I always evict them.


I am pretty sure that the unauthorised guest wouldn't be covered by Airbnb's host liability insurance if something goes wrong and I am even more sure that if the unauthorised guest thought that they could sue you they would.


Different strokes for different folks but I would rather not put myself in a position where I lose my tourist licence and consequently the forthcoming guests lose their holiday because of the actions of a few undesirables.


I've never had any money deducted by Airbnb as a result of doing this.


I have, however, had at a couple of guests post on social media after the event proudly announcing that they'd been "kicked out of our Airbnb, not for the first time and probably not the last".


Says it all really.