Guests bringing too many belongings - What to do?

Level 3
Vallejo, CA

Guests bringing too many belongings - What to do?

This is increasingly becoming a problem. I have had about six guests this year pull up with a moving truck or several SUV's full of items for stays as little as 10 days. When I have a tight schedule and a guest is arriving the same day a guest is leaving this always results in delaying the guests check-in. On one occasion I had two moving trucks in front of the house with guests moving refrigerators and large tvs in and out. This is usually because a guest is moving into the area and thinks they are going to immediately find an apartment and they use the room as storage. The back unit is only 10X14 and it is currently so full that items are being stacked up in the shared laundry room area. 


I just added in my house rules section that its an airbnb and not a storage though Im not sure if this will be enough and I am considering putting something in the listing that gives a limit of 8-10 items. Is anyone else here having a similar issue and how are you dealing with it?

1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
Buckeye, AZ


It sounds like specifically your house rental.  I haven't had snuck appliances but doesn't mean people don't do it just lucky haha.  I would suggest especially if more than 1 time I have things in my rules but I will mention again while vetting.   If you know they are moving I always blame someone else haha.

In case of any inconveniencia to you my insurer (they don't know if you have an insurer) for liability reasons doesn't allow ant undeclared furniture or appliances.

I would suggest you also review your pricing again.Sometimes pricing too low attracts renters that are on a tight budget,  Storage rental for a month isn't an outrageous expense.