Guests bringing too many belongings - What to do?

Level 4
Vallejo, CA

Guests bringing too many belongings - What to do?

This is increasingly becoming a problem. I have had about six guests this year pull up with a moving truck or several SUV's full of items for stays as little as 10 days. When I have a tight schedule and a guest is arriving the same day a guest is leaving this always results in delaying the guests check-in. On one occasion I had two moving trucks in front of the house with guests moving refrigerators and large tvs in and out. This is usually because a guest is moving into the area and thinks they are going to immediately find an apartment and they use the room as storage. The back unit is only 10X14 and it is currently so full that items are being stacked up in the shared laundry room area. 


I just added in my house rules section that its an airbnb and not a storage though Im not sure if this will be enough and I am considering putting something in the listing that gives a limit of 8-10 items. Is anyone else here having a similar issue and how are you dealing with it?

5 Replies 5
Top Contributor
Buckeye, AZ


It sounds like specifically your house rental.  I haven't had snuck appliances but doesn't mean people don't do it just lucky haha.  I would suggest especially if more than 1 time I have things in my rules but I will mention again while vetting.   If you know they are moving I always blame someone else haha.

In case of any inconveniencia to you my insurer (they don't know if you have an insurer) for liability reasons doesn't allow ant undeclared furniture or appliances.

I would suggest you also review your pricing again.Sometimes pricing too low attracts renters that are on a tight budget,  Storage rental for a month isn't an outrageous expense.

It’s actually common Im finding, after googling it. There are hosts who limit items to two pieces of luggage per guest. Im going to make it five pieces per guest which is more than enough. There are also guests complaining about this limit but its no different than a hotel - one wouldn't bring a moving truck to a hotel.

Level 1
Hull, MA

Wow!  this is an intersting problem.  You must live in an area that is higly transcient or fast growing.  I agree the statement that this is not a storage but an airbnb may not be enough.  Can ou say that all items must be moved by checkout time or an additonal days rent will be chaarged?  Of course that does not help with incoming guest.

Level 2
Cape Coral, FL

I didn’t have this issue yet but I’ll say the best is written in your house rules that the house is not storage and will not be allow to bring by large furniture or appliance. I don’t know if you have cameras but maybe have outdoor cameras will prevent this. 
extra option is in case someone actually need the house as storage charge a lot of more to leave extra day between checkout to check in of new guest. 

Level 2
Puyallup, WA

Robert, I think some of the other responses are spot on.  You are operating a STR not a storage unit.  I think that people will nickel and dime you (they do it to me all the time) and try to take advantage of your space.  Having firm policies about what they can/can't store on your property is important so they know what to expect.  You may offer to suggest a few local storage units if you have a guest who is moving but needs a place to store their belongings for a short time.  I wouldn't allow storage of their belongings in any circumstance since it could lead to bigger issues.  That may turn some potential renters off but you are running a business and not their personal storage facility.  I would be very explicit when describing the policy that shared spaces are not to be used a storage areas and it may even be a fire code violation.  You'd have to check with your local jurisdiction.  If I had to share a space with somebody who felt entitled to keep their crap in that area I would be ticked!  If the item they have doesn't fit into a suitcase, they need to find another place to keep it.  Good luck!


Kimberly Greger