Guests left my home a total mess

Level 2
Salvo, NC

Guests left my home a total mess

We just spent the last few months renovating and upgrading our home. It's a home we will spend 7 months a year in. The other 5 months we plan on listing it on Airbnb for some added income and to share our home with those who appreciate what our location offers. However, after our very first guests left our place an absolute and utter mess I have to reevaluate our intentions. How can people be so disrespectful? I am beyond disappointed. How do I prevent this? Our co-host, who is a superhost was just as, if not more-so, disgusted with how our home was left. I have been an infrequent traveler with Airbnb, but have always made it a point to leave the property in the condition it was presented. Shaking my head.

1 Reply 1
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Joseph2423 , I'm sorry to hear that the aftermath of the stay left you disappointed. Usually, Hosts encourage other Hosts in our community to leave honest reviews in such situations. Have you shared an honest review for this guest's stay? 

I wonder what our experienced Hosts in the Community who engaged on similar topics , would advise you regarding this instance — and if they could help us here by sharing some tips. Hi @Fred13 @Sara8246 @Gary1164 @Michelle1588 @Greg2406 @Jonathan2534 @John5097 @Mary1523 , do you have any tips that can help Host Joseph during such situations?



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