Guests not leaving a review

Guests not leaving a review

Considering reviews are a very important part of being a host and also useful information to guests, i find it very frustrating that a lot of guest fail to leave a review. I had to close my place down for a year, due to illness. I was superhost for all of the period before I had to take this break. Now I have opened up again, but people are not leaving a review. I am doing everything to please my guest - yet no review. I was thinking, that maybe it would work if AirBnB notified on peoples profile, how many missing reviews a person account for - obviously, both for hosts and guests? Another option could be, to let people know that they can't make a new booking if they have not left a review from their last stay. Does anyone else think this could be a good idea? Kind regards, a frustrated host. 

2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Lise84 You may be dodging a bullet here. Some guests (and hosts sadly) prefer to leave no review rather than a bad review. As long as the average of those who do review you is greater than 4.8 and you have enough stays (reviewed or not) then it won't affect your superhost stats.

I am affraid that I am left with no reviews at all after I put my listing back up after having had to take it down for 1 year. I was superhost with almost all 5 star (except one 4) reviews and nothing has changed since then, so all should be good - but I get no where with no reviews. Verbally the people who stayed, were very happy, so I don't understand it 😞