Guests smuggled people in, and caused damage - should we start a resolution case and when?

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

Guests smuggled people in, and caused damage - should we start a resolution case and when?


We are hosting people for 7 years in our home (where we live) whenever we're on holiday. We hosted ~35 people and this is the first biug incident we face.

We have a group of 4 that booked our place. 2 weeks before the booking started they asked to increase it to 6, while our home has only beds for 5 people. After they pushed, we uncomfortably agreed, and charged them, but with a discount (we usually charge 50 for the 5th person, we charged 60 for 2 extra here). 

We told them this is our home and asked them to take care of it. 

When they arrived:

- they were actually 8. They didn't tell us but we saw it on our external cameras. 

- they left the house very dirty. our housekeeper spent 7 hours cleaning it while we charge for 3 (which is usually enough)

- they slept on the sofa. It smells of body odour and is stained, so we have to deep clean it.

- they had 2 pair of keys but they told our housekeeper that they had lost one. They said nothing to us so we can't trust them, thus we will replace the lock in the house

- Our neighbour complained on at least 3 nights in which they spoke loudly and made noise at 2:00 and even 5:00 am.


Airbnb told us to start a resolution case. But we are afraid of doing it while they can still leave a review, as they might retaliate. We understand such a review could be removed, but it sounds like a long, effortful process with no guarantee of success.

So we are thinking of waiting 14 days, and only then submit the resolution case. 


As this is the first time we deal with something like this, I'd appreciate some advice from experiences hosts.

- are we doing the right thing? should we wait 14 days? is there anything else or different that we should do? 

- if they refuse to pay - what will Airbnb do - for the extra guests, the keys, the deep cleaning? will Airbnb compensate us?

- What are the chances of Airbnb removing their review due to the above? I mean, they can be sophisticated and give us 2 or 3 stars with "a balanced review" which still will dishonest but looks ok.



5 Replies 5
Top Contributor
Buckeye, AZ


Personally extra guests when your not there based on video evidence while probably true, would be a nightmare I wouldn't want to open.  I know you had extra guests because after you left I went through my surveillance footage and monitored you.  If I lie about number of guests, I am going to think up some crazy lie about why you are making inaccurate accusations based on videos.  As the Bad Guest I will probably leave a review that you monitored my use on cameras after I left  True.  But doesn't sound nice when worded that way.

Sleeping on the couch again probably true but you don't really know.  Don't get tangled just couch has stains and bad odor.  Wasn't there don't know why, but requires deep cleaning.  Even better if you have a cleaning company just state odor  and stains so we told customer to hire a upholstery cleaner.  Why doesn't really matter fixing damage does.

Keys- If you did not have a specific lost key process and fees, you will have a hard time.  Most rentals that use keys or garage openers no matter platform tell Guest penalty for losing.  So the Guest has the ability to agree or go elsewhere.

Again noise complaints after the guest has left and you weren't there.  Sorry you won't win.  I would advise that you develop a process with your neighbors so you can handle things quickly.

So if you focus on what is winnable, cleaning the couch, what is that expense?  I know irritating but business head was the couch recently cleaned or something I was planning to do just at a later date?  Okay you won't host again but are you on good or bad terms' with the guest?  Taking into account my business expense and my business relationship with the customer rather than how irritating to me is how I can calmly approach a problem and usually get a positive result.  Accusing someone even if true makes them defensive and argumentative which doesn't clean your couch.

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

so what do you suggest to do?




How expensive is having the couch cleaned?

When was the last time cleaned?   Everyone has to do upholstery cleaning because of personal everyday use because your also renting it out you probably need to do more often.  So if last time was last year well irritating but just your schedule is more urgent no difference in price as opposed to I did it 2 months ago so my plans were much further out on my schedule?

I agree the Guest is a pain b ut does the Guest know they are a pain or do they because you are being quiet figure I got away with murder,  All he wants is  150 to clean the couch not bad since I got away with sneaking people in .  

Then I would leave a negative review but no gory details.  Communication Lack of communication caused a major inconvenience.

Cleanliness  I had to do cleaning above my normal cost.

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

1. Why wouldn’t I say in the review that they brought more people than they said? They will see it after their review is written (if they write one), so why shouldn’t I write this to warn other hosts? 
2. is this a good idea to wait 14 days, review period is over - and then ask for the money for 2 extra guests, and other expenses? 

Hi @Gadi2 


First, suggest you use a smart lock and stop using keys. Guests will loose keys and you can never be sure they have not made a copy of them, hence your property is not secure. A smart lock allows you to monitor all activity from an App on your phone and you can schedule when their code is active and when it will be deleted.


Have you already communicated with the guest about the extra people and cleanliness issues? If you have, and they haven't written their review yet, they already know a bad review is probably coming and you can expect them to leave a bad review in anticipation of that.


I have sent you a direct message with some advice.