Guests using my address to open bank accounts

Level 3
Glasgow, United Kingdom

Guests using my address to open bank accounts



Looking for a bit of advice from anyone who may have been in this situation.


I have two students from Kazahkstan staying with me. They are studying at Glasgow University until December and booked to stay at my place for the whole of September


They appear to have opened bank accounts and have used my address for mail to be sent. I received a couple of letters for them today.


However, they didn't ask if they could use my address. Had they asked, I would have said no.


I would have thought the university would have a set-up to deal with this type of situation – perhaps the university being used as a postal address.


It could all be fairly innocent and I appreciate the difficulties young people from countries as far away as the likes of Kazakhstan have.


However, I have concerns about fraud and my address being used for other purposes.


What do people think? What should I do with the mail (the guests are currently out and don't know it has arrived)? Return it to the bank? Should I contact the university? The bank?


Additionally, they mentioned last night that they want to cut short their stay as they feel my place is too far away from the university.


I called Airbnb support but they weren't much help – and said I might want to speak to a lawyer! That might cost a bit...

106 Replies 106


UK and International law requires foreign visitors staying at accomodation to provide their passport details. Most hotels copy passport details, some even retain passports.


This has nothing to do with racism and you should appologise for your allegations.

Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

Well done @Gordon58 for the effort. Good job. May the next guests be adorable in every way!


My own letterbox at the accommodation (separate cottage) had a steel letterbox in ground, I took my anglegrinder to it and razed it off at ground level. Problem sorted, no mail 🙂