
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Has anyone had a guest cancel their reservation because of the COVID-19 virus?

Level 3
Hamilton, Canada

Has anyone had a guest cancel their reservation because of the COVID-19 virus?

I am curious if so, how the process went with airbnb in both parties getting paid out.  Did both the guest and host get paid out right away? 

28 Replies 28
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

A group was supposed to check in today and they can't fly due to flight restrictions but they want to make sure they get a full refund so until this happens they will "keep the dates blocked"- this is what is killing my vibe, not the cancellation itself. 


I really think people should start travelling with insurance and let them handle any cancellation fee. 


Anyway... better days are coming. Hang in there everyone, sending love to you all! 

Level 4
Oeiras, Portugal

We had a guest from the US canceling because she had COVID19 in her community. She should have stayed 28 days. We have a moderate cancelling policy so I told her AirBnB would refund her 100%,but, then we found out that there are special rules with a stay of 28 days or more, so she didn't get anything. I contacted AirBnB and they agreed to refund all. I think it was the least you can do in this situation.


At this moment we have another guest from the US, that is staying 4 weeks (3 weeks to go). With Trumps travel restrictions from Europe (we live in Portugal) I am not sure what is going to happen and if she can get back to US. Portugal closed all musea and public places, so there is not so much you can visit these days. I am waiting to see what happens next in the world...


Level 10
Somerville, MA

All three reservations, which filled the month of March, canceled yesterday. Two of these cancelations received a full refund based on my moderate cancelation policy. Today's checkin, however, was only issued a 50% refund. I chose to refund 100%. Why would a family from Oman come to Boston the day after our governor declared a state of emergency? None of these groups received a refund of the AirBNB fees or a credit for those fees. The guests felt mislead by the press releases that AirBNB has been releasing.


I am actually a bit relieved about these cancellations. I have had some of my own health issues lately and getting a break right now is a good thing, plus I don't need to worry about new germs and/or infections moving into my home. Will I miss the income? Oh yes! Will I enjoy having my house to myself? Oh yes!

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hiya @Susan151 ,


I'm glad you can enjoy the silver lining of a quiet house. In regards to the Airbnb fees, this definitely should not be the case. Please see the following:


A guest from an impacted area just canceled on me. What happens now?
We know cancellations can be upsetting, even when they happen for an understandable reason. Keep in mind that guests who cancel their reservation under our extenuating circumstances policy have been impacted themselves and by canceling are helping to protect the well-being of our entire community. If your guests cancel their reservation through this policy, we’ll notify you and automatically unblock the dates on your calendar so that you can host other guests, and we won’t collect any fees for the canceled reservation.


If you can still let your guests know to contact CS, we can get this remedied asap. 







Please follow the Community Guidelines 

Level 10
Wrocław, Poland

I am getting cancellation requests everyday now. March is almost empty.

Level 10
New York, NY

At first I was sensitive to this and let a guest coming from Asia cancel without a hitch, but now I'm once again wondering "Hello Airbnb, what do you do to support Hosts??" as four cancellations requests have since come in.

Over a year ago I had a cancellation last minute during prime holiday season based upon "extenuating circumstances" (and after investigation I saw that Guest actually still travelled to my area but booked another place on Airbnb -- so it was bogus -- showed Airbnb the evidence of it but they did NOTHING).  At that time I voiced my disappointment with Airbnb. It was yet another example where the Host matters less to Airbnb than Guest. At that time on the Airbnb community boards I advocated that Airbnb make sure that Guests purchase travel insurance (or at least if they opt out of purchasing travel insurance they cannot be reimbursed for any reason -- that is their gamble -- whether virus or any other unforseeable event -- there is always risk in travelling and this should be taken into account by travellers). Travel insurance is the answer to this issue!!!!! Yet Airbnb did not change their policy. I however did write in my "House Rules" that I highly recommend guests purchase travel insurance and for this reason "Airbnb can not override my cancellation policy under any circumstances." For this reason AIRBNB should take responsibility for any cancellations Guests make during this coronavirus time or any time. I have this in writing in my House Rules, and guests sign onto it when the 'click the checkbox' when booking my place along with all the other "House Rules". Airbnb should honor it. Guests should have bought travel insurance or assume the risk -- period -- that is how life works -- if I don't buy insurance on my house and it burns down it's very sad but it's on me. Airbnb should have gotten on board at a much earlier date with the whole concept of having guests purchase travel insurance or opt out and take full responsibility for cancellations. It is irresponsible for Airbnb to take NO RESPONSIBILITY of 1) protecting Hosts from this kind of harm 2) educate Guest's how to protect themselves (ie. purchase travel insurance).

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Three cancellations in as many hours, including a three-dayer from tonight. Tough times ahead.

Level 10
Montevarchi, Italy

When I ran a letting agency, we required guests to take out cancellation insurance so that if they couldn't travel for health reasons, the host still got paid and the guest got a refund from their insurance. It isn't rocket science. Except it is to Airbnb, who only know about hotels, where of course you can usually cancel up to 48 hours before arriving.


If Airbnb required - or offered - guests to take out cancellation insurance, everyone would be happy. Instead I'm already 1k down and dreading the next cancellation (Macron addresses the nation tonight).

Level 10
Quilcene, WA

@Kathleen645 you are misinformed if you think a host will be paid when a guest is refunded. Your payment only happens if the guest is not refunded.

@Lisa723  I may be wrong, but I thought @Kathleen645 was asking if the guest was due only a 50% refund, if the host would get paid out right away (and the guest refunded immediately, or they'd have to wait the usual two weeks or so), or that 50% to the host would be paid out in the usual timeframe- a day after the check-in date.

Level 2
Yardley, PA

My guest arriving on 4/30 asked to cancel reservation due to Covid-19/compromised health issues.  I have a strict cancellation policy.  This cancellation is beyond the Airbnb/Covid-19 full refund window for stays up to 4/14 & guest asked for full refund due to losing job.  I'm not happy about it, but will agree to cancel at 100%. Should the guest cancel & how do I give them a full refund or should I cancel & fear blocking of my calendar that weekend which I can possibly re-rent? Is Airbnb blocking calendar even if its COVID-19?

@Susan3622  The guest wants to cancel, not you, so the guest should be the one to cancel. Then wait to see if he gets a full refund before doing anything (he may) . You may also get a message from Airbnb asking if you want to give the guest a full refund. 

If you get a message saying the guest wants to cancel and asking you to approve or decline, though, make sure to decline. If you accept, that is registered as a host cancellation and your calendar will be blocked and all the other associated penalties. 

In any case, it's not up to you to initiate the cancellation, it's up to the guest. Just tell him Airbnb handles cancellations and refunds and he needs to talk to them.

Updated COVID-19 policy & message Airbnb sent me below.  I'm worried Airbnb will leave my calendar blocked If I agree to cancel. I'm so angry that we as hosts are not being protected & compensated by Airbnb's policies right now. Should I stay the course you suggested?


Debra is uncomfortable traveling because of the coronavirus (COVID-19).

We understand many hosts and guests may feel uncomfortable hosting or traveling at this time. Because the well being of our community is our priority, we’re temporarily allowing guests in this situation to ask hosts for a full refund. 


As a host, you can agree to cancel the reservation penalty free, and give Debra a full refund. We’ll refund the service fee. If we don’t hear from you before Mar 20 at 6:56 PM, the request will expire and the reservation will remain active.

Thank you for your help

Airbnb will waive any cancellation penalties and your Superhost status will not be impacted. On our side, we’ll refund the guest service fee.

Level 10
Sofia, Bulgaria

3 reservations completed and 11 cancelled so far.