Has anyone tried to rent their unit hourly?

Level 2
PJ, Malaysia

Has anyone tried to rent their unit hourly?

Hi everyone. I am looking to rent my unit hourly say for 3 hours and more. Has anyone ever tired it and is it worth it ? I have rented for 4-5 hours before 

9 Replies 9
Level 10
England, United Kingdom

@Afiqa11 The system doesn't allow this and I would suspect it might attract the wrong clientele!

But dont you think there is an oversupply of short term rental?

Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

You can't do this via Airbnb they need to book by the night @Afiqa11 

what sort of guests are you trying to attract with these very short stays @Afiqa11 

Helen dont you think there is an oversupply of short term rental?

Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

In some areas of course @Afiqa11  that doesn't address my points which  are


1. What type of guest do you hope to attract for an hourly stay? 

:2. Minimum stay is one night on Airbnb


in any case you're not a host so a little confused by your post 

actually I am a host.  But, I would like to solve a problem in this market. I see  host competing with each other with their prices. The supply is more than demand when it comes to the prices. But, the demand for low prices are still there in which we host can give hourly rental. It could be just a place to rest or others. 


May I know what problems do you face ?

Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

According to your profile you have no listings hence my comments.


why are you assuming I have any issues with marketing my listing @Afiqa11 

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hi @Afiqa11, our Hosts have shared some very insightful comments. Have you had a chance to read them?


Let us know your thoughts!



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Level 2
Port Coquitlam, Canada

i feel like you would either get guests who need a short term work space for the day so you would have to provide a nice office space with these type of amenities. Or you may get guests who need a quick sleep before hitting the road again, or you're going to get guests who just need a place to romp if you know what I mean LOL .