Hi! I have a potential guest with 2 negative reviews out of ...
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Hi! I have a potential guest with 2 negative reviews out of 36 stays, giving them an overall rating of 4.8. The last negative...
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So My questions .Yes more than one.
I almost fully redesigned meaning lots of new furniture , Professional photos . but still I am falling behind.
Example I notice hosts doing a 1 nigh buy range price smart never thought about that.
.thinking of getting a hot tub but really don't want to..
Pricing. Ive gone way down . might look bad.
and lastly thoughts on professional hosting
thanks Everyone
**[Title updated by OCM by request of OP]
Hello @Sally10,
Thank you for posting in our community! 🌻
I’m reaching out to some of our experienced hosts to see if they’d like to share their opinions:
@Bettye6 @Laurelle3 @Patricia2526 @Karen114 and @Frances3408.
@Sally10 Your spaces are gorgeous and you have great reviews kudos!
The nightly rate and cleaning fee seem a little high. I didn’t check out the competition so don’t know if you are on par with like and kind listings in your area.
I do use a pricing software, Pricelabs. I find it to be helpful to see what my comps are, even what the hotels around me are charging.
I am not a believer in lowering the price to get a booking. Not all money is good money. I often don’t do what PL suggest I price for and still get bookings.
75% occupancy is my goal. Anything over and above is a bonus.
Abour 6 months ago I did get rid of my cleaning fee and I think that has helped. Guests just aren’t into extra fees.
just my 2 cents. You are doing great and keep up the good work!
Seems like you're decently booked. Are they from Airbnb or another platform?
Hi Sally10,
Thank you @Paula for including me in the discussion.
Your places look beautiful. I can see a few tweaks that might be useful in photos but don't spend more $$ on a professional.
My own opinion though thus far has kept me below but just about par with earnings last year, so yes, I and as reading with in this community group I've noted this seems to be a reoccurring issue for so many of us.
First I "blame" our recent election that put a lot of people of edge whether to travel to a red or blue state. Post election where is our economy going? Pundits have views from A-Z & now hearing about major jobs cuts with in the government and public sector has put a lot of travelers on edge. And we mustn't forget all the conflicts that seem nearing another World War in many in our world has placed traveling to the bottom of peoples list.
I decided after really digging into my stats (i am only going on 2 years this February) of stays most of my guests are quite local or used to live here, so that is the market that I decided to focus on. I joined my local Chamber of Commerece which has provided so much support! I am networking with the small businesses by keeping their menus and business cards in my AirBnB, plus having small businesses keeping my card at their registers, etc. I had an open house with the Chamber members invited here, offered them libations and appetizers, calling it 'AirBnB Myth Busting'. Amazing turnout and I was surprised at how many people 'fear' AirBnB's. That open a huge gate as my Chamber consist of 10 plus communities.
Which brought me to the idea (still working on) a Facebook Page. That has spread the word too about my place.
Now on to your concerns:
I stopped worrying that my place is 125 years old, comfy old furniture and a 1950's apartment. My guest love the serenity, tranquility & comfort I provide. I wouldn't buy new anything unless needed. What my guest comment on is the location, cleanliness and COMMUNICATION! My always being in quick contact with them. I told my friends to 'zip it' when it comes to me having my phone with me 24/7. I tell them it's a business need.
I did not use professional photos though I realize I need to update some as I acquired extras in my place.
As for extras I supply everything except meals. I have nibbles for them but a fully stocked kitchen.
I have a Bettye's Guide book which my guests love ,just wish it wasn't so buried in my listing so I made a copy a keep a binder of it printed. I also label everything and have a PLEASE READ RULES BOOK which has anything one would need to navigate my place easily from heat to eats
I don't know what a buy range one night price is but I stick to my high and low price and have had great results with smart pricing. As a past SBO, I've learned to please do not undercut yourself, it cheapens your product and though I have never done that myself, the comments I read in this group are the possibility of you getting undesirables. Your prices seem high but I am very familiar with your area a and it is not cheap. Have you done a comp? AirBnB nakes it so easy.
No to a hot tub. I have read way too many times all the effort goes in to it and one of the the biggest sources.
Not what you mean by professional hosting. I consider myself a professional host. If you mean out source to some one to help, I find that I would rather keep my hands in deep, I do everything my self though have 1 back up cleaner if needed in a emergency. With that said I am the top 1% of AirBnB's and I feel I earned it, not buying any fancy stainless steel, new gorgeous furniture but giving my guests the best comfortable, relaxing apartment and enjoyable community at a fair price.
Pricelabs? I have only 3 hotels in the area, so easy to just pick up the phone and ask. AirBnB makes getting comps so easy.
Sorry for droning on. The best of luck. I suggest to hang in there. Your places are wonderful!
Have a very happy holiday season.
@Paula Things are finally winding down from the hurricane repairs in Florida so now have a little more time on my hands to contribute. 😊
Hello @Karen114 😊
I'm very glad to hear that! From what I understand, December and January are peak season in Florida, as many people from the Northern Hemisphere look to escape the winter. Is that correct?
@Paula Yes high season starts end of November and goes to end of April where I am in the central gulf Coast.
@Sally10 I am going to reiterate what the other Hosts have mentioned. You should be proud of your listing and what you have achieved over the years as a Host.
Yes there is an over supply of Airbnb's in different locations. The newer Hosts are sometimes a little impatient with booking results and joining other booking managements to link with their property. I am sure you would have seen the trend before.
So it is worth your while to sit it out if you can.
I use similar listing's to see what are similar homes and their prices an do a comparison and my price is about $10 lower, just trying to catch passing trade.
I refuse to go low because you are inviting a different Guests into your home. I would rather shut the door for a while, do maintenance and or have holiday until the market season picks up.
Absolutely agree , Hosting is a serious full time job if you want to do it right. I absolutely do . lots of learning curves and I am NO young tech ..... But I love to learn love the challenge and my home is lovely I won't lower it so much that to be is poor business. Here in California wow our utilities alone are insane.
Right know I am here doing some painting . Love changing things around. and I stay and get to see all the quirks if any. This to shall pass as my mother always said. xox
Best to all of you xoxo