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Hello hosts!
I would like to get some recommendations from all of you who have been hosting! What type of shampoo/conditioner/body wash (or bar soap?) do you provide to your guests? Single use or big bottles? Where do you buy them? Any reason for which ones you use?
Thanks in advance!
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We also use the big bottles and wipe down each time we clean the shower. We provide a bottle of bodywash and a bottle of shampoo/conditioner 2 in 1 product. Handsoap at the sinks are refillable pumps. We purchase the product at places like Dollar Tree or Dollar General. So far no complaints and the products are used on a regular basis. We also have stashed on the closet a single use set of toothbrush/toothpaste in case they are needed. I do not make them readily accessible, only provided it the guest asks. We have also started only leaving one to two extra rolls of TP in the bathrooms as we’ve actually had guests help them selves to a roll or two when they leave.....before all the COVID stuff!!
Just an idea if you are uncomfortable with using the Big refillable bottles hand wash/Shampoo/ conditioner:/bath gel /dishwashing liquid is to let guests know of your green initiatives in your space including
using t towels instead of paper towels, allowing guests to open windows for fresh air, instead of air conditioning, drying racks for laundry instead of using air dryer, sanitised slippers, use of bidet instead of toilet tissues, helping themselves to herb garden (if you have one) and bath mats made locally of recyclable materials. They will gladly embrace the idea and you will save $$ and the planet.
@Yiwei3 I like Tea Tree shampoo, conditioner and body wash. I buy it from Amazon, Walmart or Target. Because you see the liquids, color is important. I like Renpure Plant-Based Beauty Tea Tree Mint Body Wash from Amazon. Walmart and Target have a less expensive Tea Tea Shampoo and Conditioner. I don't remember the brand name.
@Juan63 thanks! do you get tired of running out of it? how often do you have to buy it and refill it?
@Yiwei3 No, it rarely its filled. The simple human fixture holds a lot of liquid. Interesting enough, the body wash gets used more than the shampoo or conditioner.
We buy large bottles of body wash, shampoo and conditioner. However in contrast to Juan63, the body wash isn't used much so maybe our guests bring their own soap. Liquid soap and hand lotion next to the basin is used but not many cotton wool balls since we started to supply flannels. Little soaps, nail files, toothbrushes, combs, samples and leftovers are in a basket and sometimes guests use a soap. Few guests even notice the first aid box with St John's First Aid Book. So we often quiz overseas guests about the current snakebite treatment and "what is the most dangerous animal?' At least they will be safer on trips out of the city. Cotton buds are in a box but rarely used. Tissues get used a lot so we buy them along with toilet paper in bulk. He keeps a strict tally of all expenditure for our tax claims.
For our private room listing, we provide shampoo/conditioner/body wash/toothpaste/TP in the private guest bath for the entire stay (even for long-term guests). Bar soap is available but only provided if the guest asks for it (we ask during the check in tour) - this is because we found guests will unwrap it if we leave it out even if they don't plan to use bar soap. We also provide TP, Q-tips, facial foam cleanser, and Kleenex. We don't provide lotions or creams - but there is a shelf of things previous guests left behind (sunscreen, a variety of half used facial creams and make up products, eye makeup remover, nail polish and remover, dental floss etc.) that we tell each guest to "feel free to use or take".
Some guests used everything provided, some would use their own shampoo & toothpaste but the soap and body wash we provide. A few said they prefer to use their own and asked if we could remove the ones we put out, to make room for their own things.
We buy large *refill* bottles/pouches of popular local brands with unisex scents that are not too strong - whatever is on sale :-)) And whatever we buy for guests, Henry and I will also use.
We bought semi-transparent matching plastic dispensers (pump type, similar to the image below) for the guest bath that we refill as needed.
We have 2 bottles that are alternated, so instead of pouring new shampoo/conditioner/body wash into a bottle that is getting low, we will replace with a new bottle, while Henry and I use up the one that's getting low. We clean the bottle and pump thoroughly before re-filling again.
@Yiwei3 I offer large bottles of shampoo/conditioner/body wash. I include wiping down the bottles in my cleaning routine. I also pull the tops off and clean out any hard "gunk" from the top so they always look fresh and new.
@Suzanne302 thanks for sharing! where do you buy your large bottles & get refills from?
@Yiwei3 I don't use refillable bottles (although I'd like to in the future to reduce plastic waste!)
I've had guests rave about "Love Beauty & Planet" shampoo/conditioner/body wash which is available in most stores. I also have used random products I find at TJ Maxx/Marshalls.
I think imagery is everything and although I have nothing against popular mainstream brands (Pantene, L'oreal, Garnier, etc.) As cheesy as it may sound, I think offering more boutique-looking products enhances the guest experience. I do that for liquid hand soap too. Instead of buying Dial at the drugstore, I find some cute liquid hand soap with a neat label!
Another thing is that I try to choose products that are not too "flowery" so I stick to what I would call more neutral scents like coconut or lemon.
@Yiwei3 , good topic, We have 3 spaces and use 2 methods. In our 3 bedroom suite we refill little plastic bottles, occasionally one disappears. In both the One bedroom suite and the Glamper, we use big bottles, we clean big bottles and clean and top off small ones between guests so they never really look like they have been used other than some of the printing beginning to wear. An additional piece of soap lore is we include both liquid and mini wrapped bath soaps, they seem to be equally popular. Stay well, JR
@Melodie-And-John0 that's helpful! I also have a few places, so I'm trying to figure out what's best. where do you buy your refills & big bottles from?