The host coming into the apartment unannounced is what I'm wondering about. I experienced this two days ago as a guest while renting an apartment in Italy - NB: I rented the entire apartment. I was asleep, and granted, it was around 10AM so indeed it was late in the morning. But as I had been traveling overnight the entire night prior to that, I was exhausted. I woke up in shock when the host walked into my bedroom and put on the light. She was clearly shocked too and felt very embarrassed, and she apologized. She said she had forgotten something out of her apartment that she needed. (She rents out her entire apartment that she normally lives in). I felt embarrassed too and I didn't want her to feel too uncomfortable, so I apologized too, as I had not heard her ring the doorbell. (I sleep with earplugs and I'm not a light sleeper, so I had not woken up from the doorbell). Frankly I also didn't mention it in the review I left, as I felt the host was kind. Yet, I still feel a bit unhappy about the entire situation. For one: my telephone was lying next to my head, and she had not called to warn or ask if she could come in. She had not sent an email either. Secondly: I was not fully dressed, as I was lying in bed. If she had walked in just a bit later for all I know I could have just walked out of the shower. I don't feel really comfortable about this situation, plus: albeit not with this host, in general I see some safety issues in this as a female traveling on my own. Third: my belongings were in the apartment including passport, wallet etc, and although I trust the host (let that be clear: I do think she is a reliable person), I don't find it a very comfortable idea someone would be walking around when I'm not there without first informing me.
Overall, it made me wonder if there is any policy with this regard, to avoid that I or any other guest runs into a similar situation in the future. Thanks a lot!