I think you'll find that older guests, my age, will be quite tolerant, if not positively engaged with a toddler around. On the "been there, got the T Shirt" principle.
Having become a grandad two years ago I am completely immune to toddler noise, and just find that it makes me (strangely) happy and puts a smile on my face.
Seriously, you could almost charge extra.
Which is odd, because I spent most of 20 years (seems like a century) telling my own kids to shut up a hundred times a day, then moaned about how quiet it was in the house when they eventually got their own lives and moved out.
I really like @Sandra126 's idea. Seriously when we were first married we used to host foreign exchange students, and it really was positive for our kids as they grew up from toddlers to stroppy teens. For the personal development of your kids (imho) there are no drawbacks in having them meet and become friends with people from differnt cultures, just positives.