Hi there, just wanted to ask for some insights or maybe some...
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Hi there, just wanted to ask for some insights or maybe some of you had the same experience. Guest informed us there's no pow...
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Hello all,
Today, I would like to share one of the most reported cases on communication and fraud. There are sometimes guests who make enquiries to negotiate "off platform prices" or try to book a space for someone other than themselves. I’ve noticed that there’s an increase of said requests especially during the holiday and festive periods.
Do you have experience with such enquiries? If so, do you have any advice for responding to such messages?
I look forward to hearing your answers.
@Val76 All reviews are posted, regardless of whether both parties leave a review or not. I've never understood where hosts get the idea that reviews aren't posted if only one party reviews.
I'm sure I read it when I first started hosting. How would I know if a bad review got posted?
Another question, what if I had a really strange guest who stayed in his room all the time only came out when I went to my room. There is no TV in the room what kind of review do I do he just gave me the creeps and he was here 4 nights.
Luckily most guests are great.
Lately I have guests that are afraid of dogs I have 2 small poodles which I have posted and pictures but they seem to either be surprised or new but still booked. Why do I need to lock up my girls when it's their issue they shouldn't have booked.
@Val76 Well, you couldn't have read that in the Airbnb review explanation, because it isn't true.
You get a notification if a guest has left a review. If you also leave a review, both reviews will be published as soon as they are both submitted. If only one party reviews, it will appear 14 days after you received the first notification to leave a review for the guest. You can't read the review a guest left you until it's published. Reviews are blind.
@Sarah977 @I read it somewhere when I first started hosting in order for a review to be posted each have 14 days to enter a review.
@Val76 Yes, each have 14 days to leave a review. That doesn't mean reviews aren't published unless both host and guest leave one.
Hi @Laura2592, that's a great reply to such a request! Did the person stop after your message?
I've received such request as well when I was still hosting, but I'm happy that I was able to count them all on one hand.
I'm so sorry to hear about the damage that was done. Were you able to resolve this in the end?
@Quincy no the damage is such that we would need to replace a portion of our porch if it doesn't wear off over time. We just covered it with a cute outdoor rug after trying to clean it several ways. Its definitely worrisome if a mother still feels the need to book an accommodation for her seemingly able-bodied adult child. The term "helicopter parent" comes to mind. During that stay we had to satisfy several of mama's requests in addition to the actual guests. I would definitely suggest that hosts avoid a similar inquiry whenever possible.
As for the "can I have a discount" crew the few that I have responded to offering to find a different more economical place to stay have canceled typically a few days after getting that message. Only one stayed and they tried to bring in more guests than we allow. We ended up charging them through the resolution center. They never paid.
Oh dear, that doesn't sound great at all @Laura2592 😞. I hope this doesn't happen again.
I have found airbnb support very helpful with any problems with guests. They even paid me the difference of what I was able to collect from a guest who decided to depart 9 hours after check out, after he had requested to stay another night. Airbnb paid me the difference and I didn't even ask for it. The guest had apparently complained about my charging him...so I added the detail. Airbnb Offered!!! I found that very pleasing!
Like most hosts, I will automatically refuse anyone who requests to communicate offline with me to discuss rates, or requests an additional discount (I do offer length of stay discounts on some of my spaces).
I have responded to bargain hunters with a message indicating that we'd have to turn off all utilities, and remove most appliances and furnishings in order for their offer to be equally as beneficial to us as it would be for them. For some reason, I've not yet had a person continue the conversation.
@Debra300 lol that's a good one! Yes I have a standard response that says I communicate strictly through AirBnB and we will see each other's contact info once the reservation is confirmed. Also that pricing is actually less here than it would be in the open market because I chose to have the administrative & marketing support of AirBnB. Fortunately I really love this but people really are something at times.
@Quincy " Hi XX, thank you for your inquiry message. I'm happy to answer any questions you might have, but I don't communicate with prospective guests outside the Airbnb messaging system."
I've never had anyone ask for a discount.
I have had someone ask if her friend could stay, too- they could bring an air mattress. I just explained that I only host solo travelers, as is clear in my ad, and that the room isn't set up such that there would even be space for an air mattress in the floor. She didn't argue about that, said she still wanted to stay on her own. And when she arrived and saw the space, said she totally could see that 2 people sharing that room wouldn't work.
She turned out to be a really cool guest, and we still keep in touch.
Someone simply asking for an exception, as long as they don't act pushy or entitled about it, doesn't bother me, but it might if I had to field a lot of those.
That's lovely to hear @Sarah977. A few years back I had guest who asked if it was ok to add an extra guest. I also mentioned that the room originally booked would not have space for an airbed, however, mentioned that I could set up a mattress in the living room at an extra charge (as mentioned on my listing).
I totally agree with you that the request shouldn't be too pushy, it's our home after all!