How do you handle situations when guests cause damage to your property?

Level 3
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

How do you handle situations when guests cause damage to your property?


Dear hosts, 


I’ve encountered damage a few times, but I’ve received excellent reviews from guests afterward. My approach has been to ask them what they suggest for compensating the damage. Then, I explain my perspective, and together we always find a compromise that satisfies both sides.


There have also been times when guests were initially reluctant to admit to the damage. In those cases, I try to avoid sounding accusatory, and through discussion, they usually end up acknowledging the damage.


How do you handle these situations?


Best regards,



1 Best Answer
Level 7
Rockport, TX


We have always taken before pictures.  Helps tremendously.  Also, if a Guest has done damages and not notified you during their booking, then this is when it sometimes becomes a larger issue.  One way we have eliminated nearly all damage issue is in requiring the guest to purchase the damage insurance.  Should there no damages, this deposit amount is fully refundable.   Any reputable Guest doesn't mind the extra charge.  If and when you do get a guest that states they don't want to pay for the damage insurance, flag so we recommend decline the booking.    And we never negotiate the cost of damages with a guest.   At the end of the day, it's the damage, plus your time, plus the possible loss in subsequent revenue should the damage cause your property to have to be shut down while repairs are underway.    

When we first started, we had one group that caused over 1K in damages and it was before we had the required insurance.    We submitted the physical repair costs to the group and they paid, but then the booking platform took a commission out of the payment.  So basically, we lost $$ on the damages caused.  Hard lesson learned.   

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2 Replies 2
Level 7
Rockport, TX


We have always taken before pictures.  Helps tremendously.  Also, if a Guest has done damages and not notified you during their booking, then this is when it sometimes becomes a larger issue.  One way we have eliminated nearly all damage issue is in requiring the guest to purchase the damage insurance.  Should there no damages, this deposit amount is fully refundable.   Any reputable Guest doesn't mind the extra charge.  If and when you do get a guest that states they don't want to pay for the damage insurance, flag so we recommend decline the booking.    And we never negotiate the cost of damages with a guest.   At the end of the day, it's the damage, plus your time, plus the possible loss in subsequent revenue should the damage cause your property to have to be shut down while repairs are underway.    

When we first started, we had one group that caused over 1K in damages and it was before we had the required insurance.    We submitted the physical repair costs to the group and they paid, but then the booking platform took a commission out of the payment.  So basically, we lost $$ on the damages caused.  Hard lesson learned.   

Level 3
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dear @Greg2406 


It sounds like you have a well-thought-out approach to managing property damage and ensuring that guests are held accountable. By requiring damage insurance and taking before-and-after pictures, you protect yourself from potential issues and avoid disputes. I tried the same with photos but guests refuse to admit that they cause the damage.


Overall, your strategy of requiring insurance and not negotiating damages seems to help mitigate financial risk and ensure that damages are covered appropriately.


Thank you for sharing your experience. 


Best regards,

