As a guest I feel I should not have to pay a very expensive ...
As a guest I feel I should not have to pay a very expensive host fee? Like prices fees and taxes aren't high enough?
The April evaluations have just passed. What has been your longest run of quarters (evaluations) with keeping your Superhost status? I'm sure there are a few hosts here that have crested the 20 straight quarters mark. Our goal right now is 25 quarters so roughly another 3 years of work to hit that goal. We reached 14 quarters with this past evaluation so fingers crossed for the additional 11.
Hi Barry and Lera - Great post. I too am curious about this. We have acheived 15 consecutive quarters as Superhosts as of this last quarter ending in March 2019. Anyone who can sustain multiple consecutive quarters as a Superhost is doing a fabulous job and I thnk there should be another level called Super Duper Hosts. Congrats to all. Stan
So sorry for hijacking your thread - it certainly wasn't intentional! I could take this conversation with Ben offline, but I feel it's important that any other host who might be having similar issues, should be able to follow it here too, as it could potentially save them a whole lot of time, money and sanity! Is that ok with you?
Wonderful topic - it's great to see both the long term super hosts ( @Susan17 @Robin4 etc) and young upstarts ( @Ben.) comparing notes and sharing experiences.
I'm especially elated to see the support being shared with @Susan17 - some excellently researched and refined tips here!
I've gone ahead and moved the off-topic piece to its own topic as there's so much valuable content there. You can find it HERE.
Thank you @Stephanie. I've loved all these years of hosting - as my reviews reflect - but unfortunately, Airbnb has kicked me in the teeth time and time again - as my posts reflect.
And while I very much appreciate the support and help from @Ben, @Robin4 and @Alon1, elated is the very last emotion I'm feeling right now. Couldn't be further from it, sadly.