I’m a super host air bnb refusing to pay my $1393 referal bonus

Level 2
Lake Munmorah, Australia

I’m a super host air bnb refusing to pay my $1393 referal bonus

I have been a host 7 years & now super host with air bnb . 

seems each time I review a guest the referal fee continues to go up in value  @ Time of last referal $1393 


I have helped set up my friends air bnb @ a large cost of $$ & time .. cleaning , mowing , buying house hold items , & setting up beds in a 5brm home & sent them referal link . 

My link didn’t work , therefore had to ring air bnb . She sent me a new referal link that I sent my friend via email whilst on the phone to air bnb . 


The link finally worked . 
my friends have had multiple bookings now . 


air bnb refusing to pay out the referal bonus . 

yet the air bnb ambassador at the time of phone call gave me a reference no : A### 


and assured me I would be getting my referal bonus .


well they are not honourable to their word.  


I need this $1393 asap & I wouldn’t have done every thing I have to prep & stock this house .. and buy items to set this bnb up .. especially when Air bnb are making commissions & money out of these bookings but refusing to pay our referal bonus 


1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

If you are working as a cohost you should charge your friend any costs incurred and a consultancy fee for your time . @Kris3394 


then if you get the referral fee back it's a bonus . Presumably you've looked at the T&C and understood you won't get the referral fee back until your friends bookings have reached a certain level.