Hello fellow Hosts! I have a great concern and am both shari...
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Hello fellow Hosts! I have a great concern and am both sharing and seeking feedback please, thank you. Things have been relat...
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Or do you hate the way the CC stacks responses to each thread? I find it incredibly difficult to follow a thread and many answers do not make sense due to the order in which they are posted.
I will be the first to admit that social media is not my strongpoint and it may be that this is a normal method of stacking responses that others find simple and intuitive.
@Stephanie Are there any plans to change this? I am sure the old CC was not like this. Oh and when are you coming for tea?
Answered! Go to Top Answer
@Mike-And-Jane0 You can change the way posts are sorted to show either "Newest to Oldest" or "Oldest to Newest", that should already make browsing the CC a bit easier while we work on the rest!
To change the sorting, select the "Options" dropdown on the right side of the original post, on top of the poster's profile page (see screenshot):
@everyone Please feel free to continue giving feedback here! Any questions about how to use the CC are also very welcome. If you don't feel comfortable posting your question you can send one of the admins (including myself of course) a DM and we'll be more than happy to help you out. But remember - there's no such thing as a silly question!
I love that you posted this @Mike-And-Jane0 , so a sincere thank you to you. We're continuously working on improvements to the CC and in the spirit of the CC itself, I can't imagine a better way to know what our members want than to hear it from them directly.
I'm curious to see where this goes and what other Hosts have to say. I'll personally be taking on these suggestions and work with them. With that in mind, I'd like to ask everyone that wants to leave feedback about the CC here to be as constructive as possible. Tell us how you'd like to see it instead, or what you think would make using this CC a lot easier!
@Mike-And-Jane0 I've been thinking about collapsing the replies by default like you have on Facebook/Instagram/Tiktok. What do you think of that, or do you have other suggestions?
@Sybe sadly I can't answer your question as I don't use Facebook, Instagram or TikTok. Actually I do use Facebook marketplace but not sure that helps. I did say social media is not my strongpoint!
My only suggestion is that the current method is backwards. I would like to see the original post followed by the first answer, the second answer (and perhaps a comment on the second answer), and then the next answer. That way I can see what others have said as I scroll through the responses and maybe add by thoughts which would appear at the end.
@Mike-And-Jane0 You can change the way posts are sorted to show either "Newest to Oldest" or "Oldest to Newest", that should already make browsing the CC a bit easier while we work on the rest!
To change the sorting, select the "Options" dropdown on the right side of the original post, on top of the poster's profile page (see screenshot):
@everyone Please feel free to continue giving feedback here! Any questions about how to use the CC are also very welcome. If you don't feel comfortable posting your question you can send one of the admins (including myself of course) a DM and we'll be more than happy to help you out. But remember - there's no such thing as a silly question!
@Sybe Thanks for this. @Nur785 Does this sort it for you as well?
As an ex jet engine designer I consider myself relatively smart however when new technology comes along that I haven't grown up with it is amazing how little I know. To think there was a switch there all the time that did what I wanted - Duh...
Hi @Mike-And-Jane0 I am not a social media person either, so not a regular user of any of the platforms.
So I'm going to say that option doesn't really change anything for me 🙂 Because you have to do it for each thread. You open it and go sort it and when you back out and go to a new thread it's the same. It's not really intuitive.
Same with the CC board. When you log on it shows "TOP". I change to recent every time because most often than not I don't care what the CC board things is the top post. I wish there as an option to keep that sorting instead of doing it every single time I come to the board.
@Nur785 Hmm, that shouldn't be the case. The sorting option on the board pages will always default back to "Top" so what you're describing for that is normal, but you should only have to select the sorting of threads once and all threads you visit from then on will be sorted that way.
I've taken note of your suggestion though, I like the idea of the board page sorting to default to whatever you prefer!
Mike, I am punch-drunk from the weekly changes that take place on the platform! Have you noticed in the past week the calendar page has changed.....yet again. I count that as 9 changes to the calendar format since 2019! Does this make our job easier......a resounding NO. Is this warranted.....once again a resounding NO!
Let's see, what has happened in the latest change. The colours of the bookings on the monthly calendar page have changed......has that helped either us or Airbnb.....NO! The display of special notes against blocked dates has disappeared! You now have to go to a box in the details section to access any special notes! They are not automatically displayed any longer! Has that helped us Mike, NO!
Sure we can always invent a work around as @Sybe has demonstrated, but my question is......WHY.
All these changes achieve is to frustrate the cr*p out of us for no logical advancement of the platform.
One of the principal reasons I have stepped back from the CC is because, to me, it's just not user friendly any more. Everything is now split into interest group!. Hosts have to span 4 different interest groups to find relevant questions! While Airbnb pressed ahead with alteration after alteration, the CC has always been constant.Every time I logged on it was just the same as it was the day before. I have no idea where to find what I want here any more. For me the CC has lost its soul, I am concentrating on my local Airbnb host group and I am finding that rewarding because we are actually a cohesive group and are getting somewhere instead of all the time having to jump through bloody programming hoops.
@Robin4 I understand your frustration but actually it is education that is often needed.
As @Sybe showed me I have the choice of how I see the answers ordered. This is great as I am sure some people want one thing and others another.
Similarly I didn't like the new CC design until @Stephanie pointed out to me that I can sort ALL the inputs by unanswered or recent. Thus I don't need to use the different interest groups at all.
Thankfully there are people here who can help those of us who can't immediately get to grips with the changes that are made.
Thanks Mike, that is handy to know and I will try to bare with it but it was so much easier when each morning I could log on and see on one page all the posts that had come in overnight and the topic/thread they related to.
Another thing which has me frustrated is the limited time you have for a response before the page tells you, 'Your authentication has expired'! Looking after a disabled wife and running a hosting cottage I quite often get called away to attend to other duties. When I return and try to continue and submit I get the authentication failed banned and when I refresh the page it entirely disappears.....no evidence that it ever existed!
I was trying to respond to a situation you had with another newer contributor two days ago. Fortunately I saved my response before I had to leave the computer but when I got a chance to return and refresh the page, it was gone....I was left with a response with nowhere to put it!
This was the response.....
Don't let some contributors comments get under your skin, we are all here for 2 purposes......to learn and to help, We have all got better things to do with our time than pound away at a computer keyboard, unless we are being paid for it of course!
@Mike-And-Jane0 Mike has some great content, and has for years now, I don't always agree with him and I know he doesn't always agree with me but..... we are each the better for having got to know each other here on the CC.
Mike is not running a vendetta against you, he is just offering another point of view......I welcome that @Mar125 so, please try to look at it that way."
@Robin4 Do you mean you prefer to have one centralized space or board where you can read all posts from the CC?
In many ways the redesign is nothing more than a new skin uploaded onto the old CC. The functionality hasn't changed a lot so for example in @Mike-And-Jane0 's case, the sorting options existed on the old CC already but the place of the Options button had changed.
I speak for all OCMs when I say we've always loved reading your posts @Robin4 so it pains me to hear this. I'm hoping it's a matter of showing you where to find what you were used to on the old CC to get you back to wanting to use the CC again. I'm more than happy to do this via DM as well if that's easier. 🙂
Agreed! It's really difficult to see who's responding to whom. Many times there are side conversations that is not related to the original post and I have no idea how that got started or what the response is referring to.
An easier way to follow these would be great.
Very good information @Sybe, that was driving m e bananas also and had no clue there was such an option. TY.
I'm glad it helped @Fred13 ! If there are any other questions about the CC platform let me know. 😉