Kan en gjest avbestille etter at han har kommet til oppholdsstedet / Can a guest cancel after he has arrived at the accommodation
Jeg har en gjest som skulle være fra lørdag til fredag. men som nå, mens han er her, plutselig har kansellert reisen. Kan han kansellere en påbegynt reise?
I have a guest who was supposed to be from Saturday to Friday. but who now, while he is here, has suddenly canceled the journey. Can he cancel a trip that has already started?
Yes, a guest can cancel at anytime however when they cancel and the cancellation policy that you have set at the time will determine if and how much of a refund the guest would receive. I took a look at your listing and it appears that you have set a flexible cancellation policy which is very flexible and in most cases, the guest would likely get a refund. Here is an explanation of the cancellation policies.
Yes, a guest can cancel at anytime however when they cancel and the cancellation policy that you have set at the time will determine if and how much of a refund the guest would receive. I took a look at your listing and it appears that you have set a flexible cancellation policy which is very flexible and in most cases, the guest would likely get a refund. Here is an explanation of the cancellation policies.