Libellous guest review

Level 3
Queensland, Australia

Libellous guest review

I am at my wits end and would really value your advice and help. Ideally I would like to know who to escalate this to as I am not getting anywhere with the support team.


I am a Superhost and have been on Airbnb for 3 years with no complaints and glowing reviews. My last guest requested to leave early due to "hidden cameras and listening devices" and the place not being clean.  


I use a professional Airbnb cleaning company who also have outstanding feedback and look after a lot of homes. I have 1 Camera which is in clear view in the garage (This is clearly stated in my listing in all the required places and I even have added this in my policies and rules). I DO NOT have any hidden listening devices or cameras in the house. My house is in good working order and clean. It is older style and not all appliances are new but they are clean and in excellent working order.


I believe that this Guest is delusional as his review is blatantly false and complete slander. Airbnb allowed him to leave early without even contacting or discussing this with me which has already resulted in over $1800 in lost income. In addition my account (I have 2 properties) have been suspended. His blatantly false review has resulted in a large loss of income and emotional stress.


I have tried to call various times over past 48hrs and been told my issue has been escalated but still have had no response to my messages or calls. I finally got a call from Airbnb yesterday expecting a response to my query but it wasn't about my message but rather it was investigating the guests complaints that there are hidden cameras and listening devices in my home. Complete rubbish. I don't understand why Airbnb has actioned the guests complaints (guest has no review) and have still not responded to me a Super Host with outstanding reviews.


Today I received a message from Airbnb stating I must remove all hidden cameras and listening devices immediately before my Airbnb listing can be reinstated. I CANNOT comply to this as there are NO hidden cameras or listening devices for me to remove!


I have already lost out on 2 weeks rental and potential for more over the busy holiday period. His review is LIBELOUS and causing me emotional stress (I have cried several times) and a large financial impact (this is my only income).


I feel so helpless and just need to know how I can escalate this so I can have a proper, informed discussion with a human being who can listen to reason and help me.  I am open to all suggestions.  I don't want to take legal action but I will if I am forced to.


Thanks for your help 

Top Answer

Thanks guys.  I have decided to list with another provider. However, unfortunately in Australia most people do use AirBnb.  I am just so disappointed as I would not be in this situation if a representative from Airbnb just gave me a call. It has been a really bad experience and I had hoped for more considering my Super Host status.  

It is Airbnb that need to take responsibility for both the financial and emotional stress. It is them that has published the false review and it is also Airbnb who have suspended my account and therefore my income stream. 

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27 Replies 27
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Lara220 Sadly Airbnb does not require reviews to be truthful. I would love it if you took legal action but against who? Do you know the contact address for the guest? I would also carefully respond to his review making sure your response is directed at future guests NOT him.

With respect to the cameras perhaps provide airbnb with a report from a local CCTV company saying there are no cameras or listing devices in the property. This should satisfy them as it would be lying for you to say you have removed them (as they aren't there to be removed).

Good luck and consider also listing on another platform so all your eggs are not in the Airbnb basket.

Thanks guys.  I have decided to list with another provider. However, unfortunately in Australia most people do use AirBnb.  I am just so disappointed as I would not be in this situation if a representative from Airbnb just gave me a call. It has been a really bad experience and I had hoped for more considering my Super Host status.  

It is Airbnb that need to take responsibility for both the financial and emotional stress. It is them that has published the false review and it is also Airbnb who have suspended my account and therefore my income stream. 

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



The profile of this guest mentions : "Hotel consultant"....

But could not find any match on Internet in combination with other keywords from his profile.


Maybe best thing to do is provide Airbnb asap with factual and verified  information regarding camara's, as @Mike-And-Jane0  suggested.


Level 3
Queensland, Australia

I have tried to to that.  I have sent a number of messages that have all gone unanswered.  I have also called 3 times and been told that it has been marked urgent and escalated.   The issue is that my place is vacant because the guest was allowed to cancel and I can't get any new bookings.  I would not book a place with a review saying there are hidden cameras and listening devices. 

Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

@Emiel1 newstead is near me, a tiny village. Only two people called scott. I can't see his profile (on phone, is that why?) . Doubt he's a hotel consultant. 

@Sandra126, I seriously would not be surprised if he had mental issues and to be honest I have no ill feeling towards him.  I definitely would not host him.  All my anger, frustration, disappointment is with Airbnb for the way they have treated me and this situation.  This is my primary source of income and this has been extremely emotionally taxing.  

Daylesford is a lovely area to live.  Lucky you.  Thanks for your message and support.  I would definitely be crossing the street if you see him 🙂


Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Lara220 and I apologise for any issues you have experienced so far with Customer Support. 

I took the liberty of forwarding the information you provided on your post to them, and it turns out there are multiple tickets created on your case, which is why there's been this delay.


They have now updated all the open tickets into one, speeding up things. I hope you'll hear back from the team soon.

Thank you

Level 3
Queensland, Australia

@Nick. Thanks for your message Nick.  There are a few open tickets in regards to my account being suspended then closed as I set up a new listing because I didn't want anyone to see that review.


Nobody has ever responded to my original message or my phone call on 29th November which according to the person I spoke with had been given highest priority.  If someone had just spoken with me then I would not be in this situation.

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Lara220 I see. I will forward this to the Customer Support team now 

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Nick  "and it turns out there are multiple tickets created on your case, which is why there's been this delay."


When hosts' messages go unanswered, and they have to message or call again because they are being ignored, it's Airbnb fault that multiple tickets get opened, not the host's.

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Not saying (or implying) whose fault is or isn't @Sarah977, only updating Lara as to what Customer Support told me. 

@Nick   When a support ticket is opened, does it get assigned a ticket number ?  If there was a reference number to use, maybe folks wanting to call or message back and follow up could at least say "referencing ticket number 999999" so multiple tickets wouldn't get created. 


Most places I go for online support issue a ticket number, which is then used in all communications. 


If a new ticket gets created each time a person makes contact, that is, of course, an issue in itself, especially if they subsequently get closed without resolution. 

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Yes, this system seems seriously flawed.


@Quincy recently contacted Airbnb CS re a matter I'm dealing with and was told there was no open case and that I should contact them again. However, I have a message thread about it with CS, which I've never closed and am still corresponding with them on. 


Another time, I had two separate cases of Airbnb wrongly refunding guests for nights they had stayed (not because the guests had asked for this, just because the CS reps had got it wrong). They then closed one case because they got confused and thought they were both about the same thing, i.e. "I am closing this thread because I see there is another case opens bout this." It was really a nightmare to sort out, because from that moment, no one would deal with either refund.


I only got somewhere in the end because I was in contact with a very responsive and helpful Airbnb rep about something completely different (old payouts that hadn't been issued). I asked her if she could help with the two refund cases and she sorted it out for me.


Sometimes it is worth opening another ticket because so often you get nowhere with the original one.

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Michelle53, judging by the number of people I've seen posting ticket numbers in the CC (especially in the Help board) thinking this space is part of CS, it's a safe assumption that there are ticket numbers. I would think a new ticket gets created if there is no mention of a previous ticket/number when contacting the team.