Libellous guest review

Level 3
Queensland, Australia

Libellous guest review

I am at my wits end and would really value your advice and help. Ideally I would like to know who to escalate this to as I am not getting anywhere with the support team.


I am a Superhost and have been on Airbnb for 3 years with no complaints and glowing reviews. My last guest requested to leave early due to "hidden cameras and listening devices" and the place not being clean.  


I use a professional Airbnb cleaning company who also have outstanding feedback and look after a lot of homes. I have 1 Camera which is in clear view in the garage (This is clearly stated in my listing in all the required places and I even have added this in my policies and rules). I DO NOT have any hidden listening devices or cameras in the house. My house is in good working order and clean. It is older style and not all appliances are new but they are clean and in excellent working order.


I believe that this Guest is delusional as his review is blatantly false and complete slander. Airbnb allowed him to leave early without even contacting or discussing this with me which has already resulted in over $1800 in lost income. In addition my account (I have 2 properties) have been suspended. His blatantly false review has resulted in a large loss of income and emotional stress.


I have tried to call various times over past 48hrs and been told my issue has been escalated but still have had no response to my messages or calls. I finally got a call from Airbnb yesterday expecting a response to my query but it wasn't about my message but rather it was investigating the guests complaints that there are hidden cameras and listening devices in my home. Complete rubbish. I don't understand why Airbnb has actioned the guests complaints (guest has no review) and have still not responded to me a Super Host with outstanding reviews.


Today I received a message from Airbnb stating I must remove all hidden cameras and listening devices immediately before my Airbnb listing can be reinstated. I CANNOT comply to this as there are NO hidden cameras or listening devices for me to remove!


I have already lost out on 2 weeks rental and potential for more over the busy holiday period. His review is LIBELOUS and causing me emotional stress (I have cried several times) and a large financial impact (this is my only income).


I feel so helpless and just need to know how I can escalate this so I can have a proper, informed discussion with a human being who can listen to reason and help me.  I am open to all suggestions.  I don't want to take legal action but I will if I am forced to.


Thanks for your help 

Top Answer

Thanks guys.  I have decided to list with another provider. However, unfortunately in Australia most people do use AirBnb.  I am just so disappointed as I would not be in this situation if a representative from Airbnb just gave me a call. It has been a really bad experience and I had hoped for more considering my Super Host status.  

It is Airbnb that need to take responsibility for both the financial and emotional stress. It is them that has published the false review and it is also Airbnb who have suspended my account and therefore my income stream. 

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27 Replies 27
Level 10
London, United Kingdom



I'm wondering where people find these ticket numbers. I don't ever remember being given a ticket number when speaking to CS on the phone and, when I look at the last few message threads I have with them, I can't see any ticket numbers. 


The only numbers I can see (occasionally) are when they refer to the booking reservation number, but if that's what they use as a ticket number, they wouldn't be opening multiple ones for one case.


Perhaps there is something wrong with my browser? To the right hand side of the threads, the only thing written under 'Details' is 'Help from Airbnb's Community Support Team.'

@Huma0 Ditto.

Level 3
Queensland, Australia

Thanks so much for your support @Sarah977

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Lara220  Are you able to leave a response to that review? I certainly would. All it needs to say is "As guests can see from my other reviews, this review makes false claims. This guest had endless complaints from the moment he arrived. I have one outside camera, clearly disclosed in my listing information. The accusation of hidden cameras or listening devices is libelous."

Level 10
Balearic Islands, Spain



More evidence that Airbnb is still a risky platform for hosts. Hosts don't realise it until they get slammed, but when they do, it's unbelievable. Surreal. Unconscionable. Dizzying. 


Really sorry this happened to you, @Lara220 . I really despise reading these stories, and fear the day it happens to me. 


I am getting more and more good bookings from other platforms, but I'm still pretty dependent on Airbnb. I look forward to the day that I no longer need Airbnb. I'm increasingly uncomfortable with risks like these. 


Best of luck and keep your chin up. You've done good. What goes around comes around. 

@Elaine701  Thanks very very much.  Reading messages like this gives me the energy to warn others so this doesn't happen to them.

Level 3
Queensland, Australia

Hi All. Sorry but I couldn't respond as Airbnb went from suspending my account to canceling my account and all my bookings so I was unable to log in at all. Not as a host or a guest.  I want to give an update while I can.


After 2 weeks I have still not had a phone call from anyone to explain the situation.  Instead I have had several emails stating "We’ve given your case and its details careful consideration. At this time, we won’t be able to restore your account or offer you additional support on this matter." from my open multiple tickets.  Nobody has responded to my original message regarding removing the guests review and my disagreement of allowing him to leave early based on a lie.


I don't have the strength in me now to tackle this any further. However, I did want to write a warning to all other hosts who have their account suspended due to a guest review, even if it is completely fictional.


If this happens to you. I strongly recommend taking screenshots of all your bookings and most importantly contact  details for all your guests. This way if Airbnb do arbitrarily cancel your bookings and account you can contact your guests and explain the story and offer for them to book with you on whatever new platform you decide to host on. Luckily I had the foresight to do this for some of my guest bookings.  I should add everyone I contacted rebooked with me and were horrified by my situation and my treatment. Anyone who has had any dealings with me would know that this is a blatant lie.


I finally received an email from the  appeals team yesterday. They continue to treat me as if I have done something wrong. I am the victim!  I  was required to read and agree to the Airbnb standards before I could progress to the next level. Today I received the following email "Thank you for completing that part of the process. The second part is to update your listing. I have given you limited access to your account in order to do so"


I just want to reiterate that I DO NOT have any hidden cameras or listening devices in my listing.  I have 1 camera in very clear sight in the garage.  In addition, I have not only mentioned this in all the required places in my listing but I also took the additional step of adding it to my house rules where I stated that  there is a camera in the garage and that you agree not to move it or switch is off.  I had gone beyond what is required by Airbnb.


I have 48hrs to update my booking or my Airbnb account will be removed. 


At this stage I just want 2 things

1. To warn others of my situation so that it doesn't happen to them and if it does that they are prepared adequately.

2. Someone from Airbnb to speak to me, apologise and set up my account as it was prior to the guests stay.


I have little hope that the 2nd will happen unless I either go to the media or take legal action which, at this stage, I don't have the emotional resilience to do despite the toll this has had on me and the huge loss of income.  I will be putting a complaint in to Fair trade for making this decision without natural justice.


I do however, think that I whilst I cant prevent this happening to anyone else and I can educate other hosts on what to do in this situation.


My Airbnb account will be removed in 48hrs so I apologise but I will not be able to respond to any further messages.  Thanks for all the comments supporting me. I really hope that this post helps others.


All the best.  If you want to find me I'll be on Stayz




@Lara220 so sorry! Ugh.


Just a note, you don't have to take screen shots to record your upcoming reservations and guest contact info. On your reservations screen, you can do "export csv" which will download a spreadsheet with all of that information. I do that regularly having read so many accounts such as yours.

Level 3
Queensland, Australia

Thanks @Lisa723 I have never had an issue before so hadn't considered doing this but I will definitely let other host know that this feature is available and to make use of it.  

@Lara220  Good warning. I've actually always written down guest's phone numbers and email addresses, if they have provided them to me. I have a little book I use for this. I didn't start doing it thinking Airbnb would suspend or close my account, but simply in case I ever wanted to reach the guest again in the future. 


But now that they seem to be on a "suspend or close the account for whatever lies a guest tells us" rampage, it's crucial for hosts to do this as soon as a booking is  confirmed.


I'm so sorry you've been dealt with so disrespectfully and illogically. It can happen to any of us.

Level 10
Balearic Islands, Spain



I hadn't seen the "export CSV" Function before, so I thought I'd look. 


Well, using the app, I didn't find it, but I did find something new and rather amusing.. 


There's now  button on each reservation labelled "collect ID cards". It's the law here that I'm obliged to collect them, so that's not surprising.. It could be a nice feature if it worked. 


But when I click on "Collect ID cards", a page comes up written in Chinese. Yes, Chinese. You can't copy it, so translating it won't be easy. 


Ok, understandable... a bug, glitch, whatever... But It's just one thing after another. 

Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

Sorry to hear, @Lara220 

I believe we need to start a class action lawsuit against Airbnb for discriminatory behavior.


I am so sorry to hear about your experience. I had hosted on Airbnb since 2010 with the last many years as a SuperHost. I even spoke at the Airbnb Open convention in Los Angeles. I was proud to be a brand Ambassador.


Then a strange guest arrived. He ended up taping and stapling baffling on all of my windows, shut off my automatic sprinkler system and killed mature plants, and turned off security lights. He let the neighbors dogs run in my house in a pet-free home. Just crazy stuff. Wouldn't answer the door or the phone. When I realized the guest had to go, Airbnb support on the phone was abysmal. They were siding with a brand new guest with 0 reviews over a Superhost with 5 star reviews (for years). This is even after they found out he gave them a fake id and wrong phone number!!!?!?!


He left a lot of damage to my home and on top of it, he left a slanderous and libelous review calling me a "thief" and a "racist." I was sobbing for days afterwards.


I have pointed out to Airbnb support the many ways the guests review break with their precious "Community Standards." And yet they let it remain and evertime I look at it I cry again just thinking of the whole situation.


I gave the guest a reasonable review pointing out the facts in a calm and clear manner. Guess what?> MY review of that guest WAS REMOVED, because the guest ois no longer on the platform after his one stay with me.


Airbnb owes a few of us apologies. I have lost 2 years of very needed revenue. Who has ability to start a lawsuit?