New to Airbnb

Level 1
Rio Medina, TX

New to Airbnb

I've had my listing for over a month now and have not had any bookings. When I looked my listing up it is on the 5th page so its not visible .. how can I be seen? Any suggestions are welcome 🙂

5 Replies 5
Level 2
Scottsdale, AZ

I would say use some type of pricing service, and also use AirBnB to offer discounts to the first people to book. 


Overall, use a second airbnb account and search for the same bed / bath / guest / amount that your listing has and see how it is prices vs the competition. Usually, the cheaper ones show up first. So if you are 5 pages back, my guess it is priced higher.


What I do is use a non hosting account to look at different days / weeks / or month at a time and search for my listing and completion. I do mine per month, and offer a different discount each month to be competitive. 

@Michael6258 We are in a country setting so there is only one other person that does this about 6 miles down the road from me. I have looked to view their pricing and they are higher but they are also larger and accommodate a larger number of people. Thank you for the response, its is appreciated !

Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Hi @Brenda1727 

Your listing shows the area to be Rio Medina, and as you say it doesn't seem to rank well using that search term. If you're in a country setting, what will guests likely use to search for you, Rio Medina or another term?

If the likely search term is Rio Medina, I agree with @Michael6258 that you'll have to price competitively for Rio Medina as a whole.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Brenda1727! 👋


Hope you had a lovely week. Did you have a chance to check the answers you received yesterday in the post? If you were able to solve your doubt, let us know if any of the answers helped you! 🙂


Kind regards, 


 Hi @Alex 

I’m out of town that’s why I haven’t checked messages! I will do so this weekend… thank you 😁