OREGON COAST -- long term rental (30 days or longer) property mgmt -- Newport area

Level 1
Portland, OR

OREGON COAST -- long term rental (30 days or longer) property mgmt -- Newport area


I am seeking a property mgmt service in the Newport to Waldport area, that is working on Long Term rental property mgmt (longer than 30 days but not an annual lease).  Does anyone know a good service provider in this area?  thanks in advance for your insights. 

2 Replies 2
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Pontefract, United Kingdom

Hi @Jenni4714 


Have you checked out your Local Host Club to see if they might have any recommendations for you?

You can find the whole list of clubs here (in the map) >> https://community.withairbnb.com/t5/Local-Host-Clubs/ct-p/en_clubs



Please follow the Community Guidelines

Hi @Jenni4714,

Did you ever find a good option? I'm looking for something similar. 
