Parcel number /Parcelní číslo

Level 1
Prague, Czech Republic

Parcel number /Parcelní číslo

kde zadat požadované parcelní číslo? /  where to enter the required parcel number? 


[Translation added by OCM]

3 Replies 3
Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hey @Renata717


I wasn't sure what you mean by parcel number here - would you be able to elaborate so we can support you? 

Many thanks,




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Level 1
Prague, Czech Republic

I got email that I need add parcel number to airbnb but way how can I add in not exist as was explain in email.


Regards Renata

Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hey @Renata717


Do you have a screenshot of the email that you can share with me? 



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