Payment not received

Payment not received

So I'm new to air BNB. I first want to say that customer service sucks big time. Now can someone please explain to my why I haven't been paid out. It first started as a glitch, then turned from a glitch to ohh there was an adjustment. Then turned for adjustment to oh I need to give to the engineers to see. Can someone please help me with getting paid out? I haven't been paid and it's been well over 20+ days. I'm tired of talking to customer service non helping selfs. All they want to do is close the case with no resolution. I don't see how that's customer service. 

18 Replies 18

@Stephine2, the only thing I know is to follow up with your case number to ask them the status. It all depends on the payout method you chose as different methods take different times. I haven’t heard of 30 days for a first payout but it may vary depending on what country you’re in? @Paula @Rebecca could you assist?

Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hi there @Stephine2 👋


This was popped through to the team and they should be in touch, if they haven't been already? 😊 



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Top Contributor
Buckeye, AZ


Paid for what?  It doesn't appear that your cabin has been rented yet?  No reviews?

For my booking. Please scroll up and look at previous post.