Hello, I booked a Villa that was available with the option ...
Hello, I booked a Villa that was available with the option of instant booking, then i wrote a message to the owner for extra...
Hi. I have an Airbnb apt in our basement on our little farm. It is decorated farmhouse and was thinking about putting a picture of us with our horses. Would that be weird?
Is the purpose of your picture to be a personal friendly note or is there some other reason for the picture? I have a picture with my dog to reinforce that there is a dog in residence in my share home listing.
Our space is filled with handmade art. My mom quilted a wall hanging. There is a rice painting from my grandparents ranch. A tin punch my mom made as a girl. A screen print made in HS art from my son. One of those cliche sayings boards gifted by a guest. And right by the front door a family portrait (of us!!) where I signed the oversized mat “welcome to our home! 🙂 the xxx family”. It’s your house, you’re hosting “guests”, personalize away!!
In my personal thought, is not weird.
As I’m a guest, walk in to vacation home, I saw the host and family photos, it’s show how lovely of the host, being welcoming and friendly to the guest.
I think it’s good idea with personal touch 😊
I will feelsl like home and love it.
@Debbie815 Do you mean putting a personal picture in the rented space itself, or adding the photo to your listing?
@Debbie815 I agree with @Kelly149 and @Dale711 that you should do it. You're sending all sorts of signals by doing it, from ownership to connection to lifestyle. Those are the right signals to send at an Airbnb.
@Debbie815 Because it is a shared space, i.e., you are also on the property, I do not think that it would be weird, especially if the guest would have the opportunity to take their own picture with the horses behind them in the paddock. In fact, with the farmhouse theme, I would prefer to see a single picture of you, the host, with your horses (or dogs) than a picture of your family members.