Previous Guest Asked for My Phone Number

Level 3
Morristown, TN

Previous Guest Asked for My Phone Number

A previous guest who stayed at my place 2 years ago contacted me yesterday. He sent his phone number through the app and wanted me to call him so he could ask a few questions about AirB&B. I told him that it's against AirB&B policy to contact outside the flatform, he could send questions through the App. And I didn't want to get into trouble. He later on asked for my cell number. I told him I couldn't do it, and that would definitely get me into trouble. I also told him that he could post his questions at Community Center, and people would help him out. I had no choice , but to block him. I do whatever I can to help my guests out as a host. I think this particular guest was asking for too much, and I didn't feel comfortable at all, I actually feel a little bit scared. I am a single female hosting alone in my house, I do worry about my own safety. I would like to hear opinions from hosts who had similar experiences.

1 Reply 1
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

Don't know if you should be anxious, @Nicole563 , but following the rules and being aware of the boundaries between hosts and guests is a good idea.  Some people, usually men, have different ideas about boundaries but don't mean you any harm.  Still, if any guest contact strikes you as inappropriate, following your gut is usually the best way.