This questions is addressed to fellow hosts that feel it is ...
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This questions is addressed to fellow hosts that feel it is both important and reasonable to expect the full name of a guest ...
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Has a host with a no pets policy, is it possible to ask for proof that the dog is indeed a service dog or if it is just an emotional support dog there’s a huge difference from what I understand. I would allow a service dog, but if it is an emotional support dog, where there is no documentation to prove anything do you need to accept the reservation?
Note that this is two questions that need to be answered.
Question 1
You are NOT required to accept an ESA, unless your listing is in CA or NY. Many guests think an ESA is a service dog, but they aren't.
Question 2
You ARE required to accept a service animal. You cannot ask for "proof" that the animal is a service animal. You can only ask two questions per Airbnb's policies:
Service Animals & ESAs - Policy
Hosts may only ask the following questions about a guest’s need for a Service Animal or Emotional Support Animal:
You can request an health exemption from Hosting Service animals if you are in a home share (renting a room) and you share the space with guests. You would have to provide proof to Airbnb of your severe allergies and this must be done and approved by Airbnb BEFORE a guest wants to book a stay. You would need to note the exemption on your listing.
You can have standard requirements for service animals like the animal may not be left alone at the property and must be on a leash at all times. You can also stipulate they must be house broken. See the help article on that.
Be very careful how you communicate with the guest. Never refer to the animal as a "Pet" at any time. Some Hosts have had their listing suspended for discrimination if the guest complains. Many hosts just say:
Hi {Guest Name]
"Is this a service animal that you are required to have for a disability? Can you tell me a bit more about how they assist you?"
This should help you determine if the animal is an ESA or a bona fide service animal. If it turns out it's an ESA, you can say something like (very friendly) we appreciate how valuable an ESA is to their owner, but unfortunately, we cannot accept ESAs.
Keep in mind that guests don't even have to notify you they are bringing a "service animal", they can just show up with a dog and claim it's a service animal. You are not allowed to charge any type of fee for Service Animal.
@Laura7046. Laura, further to @Joan2709 informative post please check with your local, state and federal disability laws.
Q1) Here in OZ we call them Assistance Dogs and yes here you ARE legally allowed to ask for some documentation showing that the Assistance Dog is qualified, accredited, and serving the person they are with. Plus they will never be left alone.
I'm no lawyer but when Airbnb rules say the opposite re documentation there is an overall terms of service that requires it to abide by the rules and regulations of the listing in each country it operates.
Q2) I accept ESAs in our pet friendly listings but not in our no pet. Again, here in OZ an ESA is not the same thing and expect the booker to not appreciate or know the difference. Having said that we generally get pets stay that are really no trouble, often with minimal to no extra cleaning. Not suprisingly a guest with good reviews who then brings their pet leaves with good reviews becasue they already know how to treat a place and how grateful they are to find a clean place for themselves and their pet/ESA.
Do what is legal and works for you.
@Laura7046 Answer to Question 1: Real service dogs do not have "certificates".
If I ask a guest if their "service dog" has a certificate that they can take a picture of and send to me, and they do, then I know that it is a pet or an ESA. If they send me a picture of their animal in its "service animal vest" (as available from Amazon) I know that it is a pet or an ESA. When they read my Pet Rules where I state that the animal must be crated if left in the cabin alone and they protest that their "service animal" is perfect if left alone I know that it is a pet or an ESA.
Owners of bona fide service dogs that I have hosted have been up front about their animal and the duties it performs for them. These owners will search for a property that accepts animals before even considering or speaking to the owner of a No Pets property.
Answer to question 2: No, you do not have to accept the reservation. Be aware, however, that if you do not accept Fifi or Fido that you may be accused of discrimination by the bogus service animal owner and may be vilified by the animal lovers on this forum who cannot believe that there are property owners who won't accept animals.
P.S. You have a dog in your profile picture...therefore, I would assume that you accept animals at your rental property.
Hi @Laura7046 😊,
Thank you so much for asking these questions here, they are really interesting!
@Lorna170, @Frances3408 and @Joan2709 shared some great advice, what do you think of it?
What are you planning to do regarding this situation?
Warm regards 🌻,