ROKU Smart TV Guest Mode

Level 4
Rockford, IL

ROKU Smart TV Guest Mode

With 11 listings, that's 11 TV's to constantly have to log people out of their streaming programs.  It's a time consuming pain!  I stumbled across Guest Mode hidden way down in a sub menu.  This is a game changer for us!  I know it sounds like a little thing, but it's really going to save us a bunch of time and headache.  Just wondering if I am the only host that didn't know about Guest mode?  LOL




1 Reply 1

I did not know there was a "Guest Mode." Thank you!

We were going to put a Roku box in our apartment with the option for our family to log on when they're there but wondered how to partition out for guests without buying a second unit. This will be a game changer for sure! 🙂