Random “encouraged guest to cancel” warning?

Random “encouraged guest to cancel” warning?

Has anyone had this issue before?  I have had zero contact with the guest other than the usual quick back and forth about check-in instructions.  No issues, no cancellation.



4 Replies 4

Specifically, “encouraged guest to cancel.”  Where could that have come from?

Level 10
Balearic Islands, Spain



No idea. Poco loco.


You'd better get on the horn to AirBnb and ask them to please find any evidence of any cancellation. Or confrontational dialogue. Or anything prompting this.


They'll likely ignore you, but just keep at them. Call, write, explain. Lather, rinse, repeat. Be rational, just the facts, and don't get angry. And don't give up.


Good luck with that one.

Yeah, when I contact support, they just transfer me to someone supposedly at a higher level, and that person responds (hours later) with some cut and paste response having nothing to do with my question and immediately closes the case.


This is getting scary....Seems like there is a "hiccup" with the AI that needs to be addressed. This could cause lots of issues for many Hosts if it's just random?


Perhaps one of the moderators can bring this to the attention of the appropriate Team at Airbnb?


other thread...same topic:




@Paula , @Bhumika@Quincy