Reviews Missing On My Profile

Level 1
London, United Kingdom

Reviews Missing On My Profile

I both host and travel regularly using Airbnb but on my profile, only the reviews I've received as a host seem to be shown. I've received lots of 5 star reviews from hosts I've stayed with but none of them seem to show up on my profile page. 


Does anyone have any idea why that might be? Thanks in advance for your help. 



3 Replies 3
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Sam7982 😊

Thank you for asking this question here!


Did you try reaching out to the customer support team regarding this situation?

Do you have their contact information?


Warm regards 🌻,



Please follow the Community Guidelines //Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center
Top Contributor
Cannes, France

Hello @Sam7982 


I had exactly the same issue as you!  I've been onto your profile and if I click on see the 2 reviews, I get to see these two reviews written by guests but also those written by hosts:


Capture d’écran 2025-01-17 à 09.44.05.png


Clear as mud, but hopefully you'll see it your end too😂

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom


Hi @Sam7982 


I think you've been looking in the wrong place 😀


you can see them here .