Airbnb is discriminating against room rental listing hosts, favoring hotels.
Hotels are allowed to utilize security cameras in all common areas, however room rental hosts in a houseshare are not allowed and are banned as of April 30, 2024.
Room rental hosts and their guests, have greatly benefited from the use of security cams in the common areas of a houseshare, cutting down on sexual assaults, armed robbery, murder, aggravated assaults, internal thefts, illegal drug dealing, drug use, and more.
As of April 30, 2024. Guests will no longer have a sense of security with renting rooms in an unsecured houseshare. Fact is, that many guests will seek out house-shares with security cameras for their stays. I being one of them. I refuse to rent a room in a houseshare that isn’t acting in the best interest of their guests security.
Such discrimination practices of favoritism of such, will benefit hotels only. With disregard to room listing hosts or guests.
It is a proven fact, that security cams are a criminal act deterrent. Therefore, Airbnb is not only discriminatory in its decision to ban security cameras in houseshare common areas but is also opening themselves up to possible legal actions and law suits, should it be proven that a sexual assault, murder, robbery, drug overdoses and more, may not have happened if current security cams in listings were not banned.
Be advised that such discriminatory practice of any kind is adverse to the principles of the founding members Airbnb mission statement. Hosts have relied on this mission statement in building their short term rental businesses. Airbnb is now a publicly traded stock offering company and is bound by SEC regulations. There could be possible violations with any act of preferential treatment or discriminatory act.