Superhost $100 gift - how do I redeem?

Level 2
Chicago, IL

Superhost $100 gift - how do I redeem?

I was notified about a month and a half ago by Airbnb that they gave me a $100 gift certificate to redeem on any Airbnb visit because I'm a Superhost.


I'm now getting ready to travel and book my Airbnb, but I have no idea where to locate this inside the website. Can someone point me in the right direction?

1 Best Answer
25 Replies 25
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Daan57 As you didn't know about the voucher why not use your latest one to book a place in Ukraine?

Enjoy ur vacation there Mike-And-Jane0

Level 2
Otorohanga, New Zealand

The super host $100 vouchers are only valid for a few months then they are gone. I’ve received 3, used one  

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Shirley59 I think they last a year. Far better to spend them on Ukraine though as it helps the folks there and guarantees they will not expire

Once you select the dates and when it shows the payment option. It is right below the 


Pay with Credit or debit card option. 


It says Enter a coupon . Click on it and it will show you the coupon to apply. 

Level 2
Southend-on-Sea, United Kingdom

Ive found the code for my $100 reward but can't find how to use it!!!  why can't they make it simple 🙂

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Kit454 once you have the code you just enter it when paying for your reservation.

At this point I will take the opportunity to remind Superhosts that a really good use of their voucher is to brighten the day of a host in Ukraine. 

Because they don't want you to use it!!


Level 2
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

i called up Airbnb find out the whole truth. 

they stated this in their superhost email, "Keep it up to unlock a bonus when you reach 4 in a row." (4 means 4 quaters) . So, In order to get the $100 bonus, you must continuously maintain superhost status in the next whole year. 

You might be  a superhost for 10 years, but you still won't get the bonus if you ocassionally missed a few months of superhost status. 

good luck to every superhost. 

Level 1
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

You can go to your email and search superhost. Then you will get the email. From there you can click on the url.

Level 6
Robertsbridge, United Kingdom

👋Hello, fellow hosts!


For those who may also be wondering how to use their bonus coupon and found this thread, here’s what I did when booking a trip for August this year (2024). Hope it helps 🙂



A note: Your superhost bonus isn't automatically added to your account. You have to redeem it.




I redeemed my superhost bonus coupon. I did so from the email I received from Airbnb informing me of superhost status and following the link ‘Check out your bonus.’


Get the code so you can add when making payment to your booking. Or, do what I did, which was to redeem the coupon. That adds it to your payments & payouts page.


When you book, look for link ‘manage your coupon’ and choose the coupon. Voila, you’re done.


I screengrabbed the process for those who like things visual (like me 😊) below


1. Superhost email - click link to see your coupon


Email received - click link 'Check out your bonus'Email received - click link 'Check out your bonus'



2. Redeem coupon


Copy the code (though if you chose redeem your coupon, it should be auto added to your account)Copy the code (though if you chose redeem your coupon, it should be auto added to your account)



3. Go to your account > payments & payouts -- look for section 'Coupons' (should be at bottom of page) Your redeemed coupon should now have been added to it because you have redeemed it



Go to your 'Account' drop down 'Payments & payouts'. Scroll to bottom, to section 'Coupons''Go to your 'Account' drop down 'Payments & payouts'. Scroll to bottom, to section 'Coupons''




4. When it's time to pay for reservation, scroll to 'manage coupons'



When you make booking, you should see 'Manage coupons' linkWhen you make booking, you should see 'Manage coupons' link


5. Apply the coupon by choosing it


You can add the coupon by typing in code or if you have redeemed, just choose to add that couponYou can add the coupon by typing in code or if you have redeemed, just choose to add that coupon



6. Check to confirm it's applied. Amount for your reservation should refresh to new amount with coupon discount.


The amount will refresh and your coupon will have been appliedThe amount will refresh and your coupon will have been applied