Superhost Account Suspension Due to Guests False Marijuana Smell Accusation

Level 4
Nashville, TN

Superhost Account Suspension Due to Guests False Marijuana Smell Accusation

Hi. Could someone help me out here?


My account is still on limited access for a week now. It was put under limited access because a CRaZy guest walked into one of my locations and said he smelled the resemblance of marijuana.


Although I don’t reside at the location, we have smoke detectors, security cameras and a 2 residents there that would never allow such a thing to happen. Of which I have a cam recording of the conversation between the guest and both residents stating such.


Additionally, there are signs that state that there is no smoking allowed with a $1000 penalty for each and every violation of that rule. No one dares to smoke anything in the house.


The Airbnb agent Daniel, in your Trust and Safety department handling the investigation, was emailed all the videos last Saturday and then again on Wednesday, proving this and other claims that I made against the guest. One claim, for being naked in the bathroom with the door open which was reported to me by the resident and partially caught on cam. Second, guest was seen on cam checking other guests doors. Entering unauthorized areas and rooms. Rummaging through other guests food items in the kitchen.


I have not had one bit of reply communication from the agent Daniel since last Tuesday. Although I’ve message numerous times and have made a call to speak to another agent. I haven’t received one booking or new guest inquiry from the Airbnb platform which I solely rely on for my income since last Saturday when my account was suspended. 


Here’s the hurtful part. I was messaged by a former guest who stated that she tried to book a room for a one month period but was unable to book. I lost a $1600 booking and Airbnb lost a $200 fee. She instead rented a hotel. 


I feel this whole incident should have been handled better, logically and more efficiently.


How can one guests false accusation shut down a long-standing 6 year Superhost account? To add insult to injury, I’ve never had such an accusation before since the inception of our 6 year relationship. 


I’m hoping Brian Chesky will be copied on this message. 


Danny John fiend of Mike Campese. 

24 Replies 24

Currently dealing with the exact same thing. We had a guest stay that obviously just wanted something free so she claimed she was being watched and now our account is suspended. It’s CRAZY. I was so shocked I came to this thread to see if anyone else had experienced something similar. It’s nice to know I’m not alone I guess. Currently signing up for VRBO because this is just too much. 

Level 10
Balearic Islands, Spain

Yes, I know. Airbnb used to be distinguished as the "quality" Platform, largely because it encourages hosts to be the best they can, and many work really hard to be just that.


But they now have greater responsibility to their shareholders than hosts and guests, and that may explain why the focus is shifting to recruitment and quarterly sales over quality. 


The ambassador programme is a good example of that. We were invited and accepted. It all sounded great, until we started receiving pressure to sign up 3 new hosts in the next 14 days. And even more cheeky, is that the reward is "as much as 100€" someday, after the host is successful. 


In light of recent events, we didn't feel we would be suitable ambassadors, and have since asked to be removed from the programme. 

Level 10
Balearic Islands, Spain

Oh, I just wanted to add.. Marijuana is perfectly legal here. Smoking it or anything else in our villa is, strictly prohibited, but it's not a sign of criminality or anything. 

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Sad the guest wanting a one month booking could message you to tell you, you had lost a one month booking , but couldn't message you to see if she could book directly when she saw she couldn't book on Airbnb . @Danny37 

Level 2
Salt Lake City, UT

I feel the same way.  I feel that we as Superhosts are continuously having to prove ourselves, our worthiness, our honesty, or house rules, etc., to a company who would rather side with the guest. Has anyone brought in a legal team to help mediate the relations with "Customer Support?"

Level 2
Los Angeles, CA

I relate to your statement "How can one guest's false accusation shut down a long-standing 6 year Superhost account?"


This is exactly what I'm going through.


I have a four-year Superhost account and a guest falsely accused me of listing inaccurately and invading her privacy. I have documentation that her complaints are unfounded. She did this after a firm cancellation booking made two months before check-in.  She clearly is inexperienced with booking. She booked for her adult son and daughter-in-law coming to visit her. They arrived and said "we won't be able to stay" and a day later called to say she felt unsafe and that I was dishonest, etc etc, and got my entire payout refunded to her. 


Where is the support for Superhosts? 

Same thing here, I'm a superhost for years and on Airbnb for 7 years with no complaints. When my neighbors complained of dogs at my property, I have a No Pet Policy, I reached out to the guest and Airbnb after seeing the exterior camera footage of two large barking dogs in and out of my home. The guest also had additional guests without permission. Then he taped paper over the exterior camera and was reported again to the guest and Airbnb. Our cameras are in public/common area and are disclosed. Airbnb without any notice suspended my account. We book $100,000 a year with Airbnb. It is apalling that the guest obviously complained about us and falsely accused us of something and that we can be treated this way. 

What ever happened with your case? I'm going through a similar experience...except add that the 'guests' extorted money from me -  threatening to stay indefinitely with the dogs, while blowing marijuana smoke into the outdoor cameras to taunt me, etc.  - essentially making me pay them before they would leave. They had 8 people at the house, only 4 were approved, and I had to have our property manager, a maid, and the husband of the former over to make sure the 'guests' didn't force their way back into the property after receiving notification of the payment. Ironically, Airbnb cancelled their reservation originally (which the guest ignored), and now Airbnb has suspended me. I'm an attorney, so I'm fortunately able to sue the guests easier than others (which I am ABSOLUTELY doing), but I'm curious what happens with Airbnb itself...and I'm even contemplating suing the company because the experience has been so outrageous. Compared to everyone else posting, I'm new to this but the first three bookings we had were great and then this guy came along. Making things worse, Airbnb told me they were helping book him into another property. I was also able to contact a prior host of the 'guest' who evidently had a similar experience...yet Airbnb continues to allow this repeat violator to book on the platform.

Level 4
St. Louis, MO

I am currently experiencing something similar right now. Any updates or recommendations?

Level 2
Black Mountain, NC

We are in the same boat! 3 years super hosting with no issues. 1 report made on us (which Airbnb has failed to even disclose what the suspension was for!) and we are going on 48 hrs with our primary source of income being withheld from us.