Suspicious text with safekey

Level 1
Gorleston-on-Sea, United Kingdom

Suspicious text with safekey


Hi all, I have just received this text message and just wanted to know if it's genuine or a scam? I haven't made a booking with AirB&B in a few years so this isn't my booking, but my initial thought was someone had put their number in wrong.


I've double checked my account, and no booking has been made in my name. I've also check my bank account and no funds or pending payments show anything, so am leaning towards it being a scam. 


Has anyone else had the same thing? TIA.

3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

No clearly a scam as you said you don't have a booking and hosts communicate through Airbnb.


do not reply. Do not call. Report their mobile and block the number @Lauren4419  

Level 1
Gorleston-on-Sea, United Kingdom

Thank you, I have now done that

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Lauren4419I hope you're well 😊. I just wanted to share this article about identifying fraudalent emails & websites from the Resource Center. I also wanted to drop a link to another thread that talks about a scam. I hope this helps with trying to figure out what are authentic sites and possible scams. 

Hope this helps!



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