The opulent house

The opulent house

Dear Air BnB


We are now proceeding with our solicitors and debt collectors regarding the funds we have been charged for via 'damages' which wasn't our fault within the property in Isle of Sheppey. 


Phone calls made by yourself and phone calls we have returned back regarding our complaints and concerns about the property. You have charged a huge £169.43. THIS WILL BE SHARED via social media to make everyone aware of a greedy non communtive company air BnB is. You have also not protected your clients with privacy and nor have the owner of the property which is a serious offensive. If the money for the phone call isn't resolved by today for Mrs S Earland who originally has been dealing with this, we will be proceeding as stated above.


Kind regards


Mrs L Jarvis

3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hello @Laura7015 


This is a community of hosts and guests not Airbnb.


It's not clear from your post what has happened but if a damage claim has been made against you which you feel  is not valid you can dispute the claim. 

Thank you. I cant seem to remove it from here. Air bnb have really have been awful. Charging ridiculous amounts per phone calls! Do you know how to contact them directly? Thank you

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Are you in the UK or NY? on your booking confirmation there should be a contact Airbnb section that directs you to your local customer services @Laura7015 


Airbnb is not going to cover the cost of your phone calls.