Toronto Market Slow

Level 3
Toronto, Canada

Toronto Market Slow

We have a mix of Toronto Ontario Condos and some do allow Airbnb   It seems it has taken longer than the normal to get bookings for 28 days minimum  and more.   I have found Airbnb Ambassadors to be extremely efficient and helpful.  Is anyone experiencing the sane ? 

Linda PInizzotto
6 Replies 6
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Linda1161 😊

Thank you for sharing this in the community!



I'm so happy to hear that our ambassador has been helpful to you! What did they share about this situation? It would be valuable to share that as well.


I'm also tagging other hosts from Toronto and Ontario who might be able to discuss this with you:

@Zheng49@Fatima645@Psd-Canada0@Robyn198@Kevin1283@Da-Hao0 and @Mj123.

Thank you in advance, everyone!


Warm regards, 🌻



Please follow the Community Guidelines //Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center

Good morning Ella it is very nice to meet you    Airbnb Ambassadors were very polite and agreed to have  my account - insight section reviewed since it had no digits recorded.  I had some numbers on my 2 mississauga properties but Toronto wasn’t added up.  Now the numbers show but no inquiries.  My prices are rock bottom lower than unfurnished rentals available so it’s still a huge problem.  April 4 I have 4 vacant properties which are already not covering mortgages maintenance fees or taxes 

My  3 bedroom luxury  condo was changed to book it as a 2 bedroom $95 a night from $148   It has a 26’ private terrace and direct view of CN Tower no connects it sat vacant almost 2 months.  

would you have any suggestions? 

Linda PInizzotto
Level 1
Mississauga, Canada

Hi Linda my Airbnb is in Mississauga and this year the bookings have been very slow. I am wondering if it is because of the current economic uncertainty.

Hi Francisa40 so nice to hear from you.  I wholeheartedly agree it’s been a struggle for months.  I have the same issue in Mississauga as well.  I honestly feel lower prices doesn’t seem to work   I’ve gone very very low and still no response

i do find Guests doing copy paste to get price discounted from time to time   Still don’t book.   It’s scary the bills can load up really quickly with no responses or bookings 

Linda PInizzotto
Level 3
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Linda1161 , I think overall it may have been slow, yes. But I had my dates closed for Dec-Jan anyway. 

I opened my calendar for Feb-March and I received a one week long booking right in the middle of the storm. Of course the guest didn't know at the time they booked that there was going to be storm. They had booked in advance. Everything went well, however. 


I would blame the economy and the winter. It could pick up again starting any day now. 



Good Morning Fatima it’s very strange  I do agree we are not in the best political situation but we are mid March and the sun is shining even now people book for April absolutely but not happening.  Even inquiries are non existent. I find myself changing the wording adding fresh info, more pics etc 

add discount lower price, reading wonderful Airbnb tips but no changes. I go on Facebook forums it’s unreal . A big one I even blast my Airbnb listing out to social media.  Have you tried any of these. Maybe you can find it helpful ?

Linda PInizzotto